Mrs. H. Mutch - Archived 10/210 Notes



Week 10 – June 8th – 12th      

Welcome to week 10 of home learning!  This is the final week that I will be posting work – home learning will end on Friday, June 12th.    Thank you so much for helping your child complete the weekly work, and for your positive feedback.   The weekly posts will remain on my teacher page over the summer, if any families need to get caught up, or would like to review the work. 

I have some students celebrating birthdays over the summer:

Carter will be turning 6 on July 15th, and Piper will be turning 6 on August 6th. I hope that you each have a wonderful day!

I will be checking in with each child and family again throughout the week for our final call.  It’s been great to talk with my students and maintain this connection, which definitely won’t end, even if the weekly phone calls do.  I have a very special group of boys and girls in my class.  Thank you for sharing your son/daughter with me this year.  And even though I won’t be making weekly calls over the summer, please continue to share updates with me.  Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message. 

Remember to check Miss Downey’s teacher page for Wellness Activities, and Miss Mountain’s teacher page for a Culture lesson this week.   

Have a wonderful summer!!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

Week 9 – June 1st – 5th      

Welcome to week 9 of home learning and to the first week of June!  I hope that you are enjoying the beautiful weather!  Home learning will end on June 12th, so there will be just one more weekly post after this one. 

Happy 6th Birthday to Emma W!  Her birthday is on June 1st!

I will be checking in with each child and family again throughout the week.  It’s great to talk with my students.  Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone calls. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.

Also, remember to check Miss Downey’s teacher page for Wellness Activities, and Miss Mountain’s teacher page for a Culture lesson.   

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

Week 8 – May 25th – 29th     

Welcome to week 8 of home learning!  I can’t believe that it’s the last week of May!

Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.

Also, remember to check Miss Downey’s teacher page for Wellness Activities, and Miss Mountain’s teacher page for a Culture lesson.   

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

Week 7 – May 19th – 22nd     

Welcome to week 7 of home learning!  I hope that you enjoyed the beautiful weather on the long weekend!

Happy Birthday to Maryn!  Her 6th birthday is on Saturday, May 23rd!

I will be checking in with each child and family again throughout the week.  It’s great to talk with my students.  Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone calls. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.

Also, remember to check Miss Downey’s teacher page for Wellness Activities, and Miss Mountain’s teacher page for a Culture lesson.   

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

Week 6 – May 11th – 15th    

Welcome to week 6 of home learning! 

I will be checking in with each child and family again throughout the week.  It’s great to talk with my students.  Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone calls. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.

Also, remember to check Miss Downey’s teacher page for Wellness Activities, and Miss Mountain’s teacher page for a Culture lesson.   

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

Week 5 – May 4th – 8th    

Welcome to week 5 of home learning!  I hope that everything is going well for you and your family.   

Happy 6th Birthday to Taylor on Wednesday, May 6th!  I hope that you have a wonderful day!!

I will be checking in with each child and family again throughout the week.  These phone calls are the highlight of my week.  Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone calls. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.

Also, remember to check Miss Downey’s teacher page for Wellness Activities, and Miss Mountain’s teacher page for a Culture lesson.   

Just a reminder that students can pick up their belongings from the school on Tuesday, May 5th.  Please see the information on our Facebook page for details.

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

Week 4 – April 27th – May 1st   

Welcome to week 4 of home learning!  Thank you for the positive feedback that I’ve received through our weekly phone calls and emails.  Please don’t feel the need to apologize if you’re not able to complete all of the work each week.  Complete as little or as much as you have time for, and don’t let it become overwhelming or stressful for you or your child.

Kindergarten parents are reminded that the deadline for Grade 1 French Immersion registration for the 2020-21 school year is Thursday, April 30.  More information can be found on the ASD-N webpage.      

I will be checking in with each child and family again throughout the week.  Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone calls. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.  Besides this post, there will be a general learning post attached including a mat with math/word work/writing ideas, as well as a Fun Friday art idea. A second attachment will explain our writing routine for this week.   

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

Week 3 – April 20th – 24th  

Welcome to week 3 of home learning!  Hopefully you are establishing a routine that works for you and your child.  Many of the parents in my class are still working, whether from their workplace or from home.  I realize that home learning is an extra project and I want to remind you to complete as little or as much as you have time for.

Kindergarten parents are reminded that the deadline for Grade 1 French Immersion registration for the 2020-21 school year is April 30.  More information can be found on the ASD-N webpage.   

Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22.  I’ve included a couple of activities that I hope you can use to have some fun with your family.   

I will be checking in with each child and family again this week. I am so happy that we continue to have this connection with each other.  Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone calls. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.  Besides this post, there will be a general learning post attached including a mat with math/word work/writing ideas, as well as a Fun Friday art idea. A second attachment will explain our writing routine for this week.   

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

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Week 2 – Tuesday, April 14th – Friday, April 17th

Welcome to week 2 of home learning!  The feedback I received from last week’s post has been quite encouraging.  Once again, I want to remind you to complete whatever you can.  Do not let yourself or your child get overwhelmed or stressed about the work.  You’re doing great!

Kindergarten parents are reminded that the deadline for Grade 1 French Immersion registration for the 2020-21 school year is April 30.  More information can be found on the ASD-N webpage.

Happy Birthday wishes to Ainsley, her birthday is on Thursday, and to Camden, his birthday is on Friday!  I hope that each of you have a wonderful birthday!

I will be checking in with each child and family again this week.  I’m sure that they will have lots of Easter news to share with me.  Feel free to email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone calls. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.  Besides this post, there will be a general learning post attached including a mat with math/word work/writing ideas, as well as a Fun Friday art idea. A second attachment will explain our writing routine for this week.   

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

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Monday, April 6th, 2020

Hello to each of my students (and families)!  This is something new for each one of us, and I’ve tried to explain everything the best that I can.  My students should be familiar with many of these ideas, but will need help completing them.  Thank you for taking the time to do that. 

I realize that these are stressful times for all of us, and many of the parents in my class are still working.  Thank you for the important work that you are doing each day in these difficult conditions. These are suggested ideas, and whether you complete all of them or a few of them depends on your situation.  Just do the best that you can.  Please know that I miss your child and our classroom community.  We have a special bond.  ♥

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.  Besides this post, there will be a general learning post attached including a mat with math/word work/writing ideas, as well as a Fun Friday art idea. A second attachment will explain our writing routine. 

I will be checking in weekly with each of my students with a phone call (it’s been so rewarding for me to hear their voices).  But also email me or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone call. I will reply to your message as soon as I can. 

I’ve adjusted this week’s assigned work to take into consideration the Easter long weekend.  Happy Easter!

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥    

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