Week 9 Home Learning Kindergarten Mutch

Posted: May 31, 2020

Week 9 – June 1st – 5th      

Welcome to week 9 of home learning and to the first week of June!  I hope that you are enjoying the beautiful weather!  Home learning will end on June 12th, so there will be just one more weekly post after this one. 

Happy 6th Birthday to Emma W!  Her birthday is on June 1st!

I will be checking in with each child and family again throughout the week.  It’s great to talk with my students.  Feel free to email me heather.mutch@nbed.nb.ca or send me a Facebook message if you have any questions that can’t wait until our weekly phone calls. 

The given guidelines are:  1 hour of literacy/math per day, plus ½ hour of reading and ½ hour of wellness activities, for a total of 2 hours daily. Everything will be posted here, on my teacher page.

Also, remember to check Miss Downey’s teacher page for Wellness Activities, and Miss Mountain’s teacher page for a Culture lesson.   

Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Heather Mutch ♥