Mr. Henderson - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

Mr. Henderson


Posted: September 12, 2013

Student are asked to complete the meaning of each term on the class handout.  Handouts are in each students Science Scribbler.   NOTE:  I am asking students to start thinking about a planet they would like to research.  Next week students will receive their first assignment researching a specific planet in the solar System.

Posted: September 11, 2013

I wanted to welcome all my students to grade 6 Science!  There will be wonderful things to explore this year and I am sure every student will have a great time investigating the world of Space, Diversity of Life, Electricity, and Flight.   Attached is an outline of the grade 6 year along with detailed information regarding assessing student work.   Jamie Henderson

Posted: February 27, 2013

Homework:Students have created a list of animals in their green scribbler.  They must create three types of classifications to sort the animals.Assignment is due Friday Feb. 29th. 

Posted: February 11, 2013

 A reminder to students to bring in any materials that are necessary for Science Fair.  Students will have time in class tomorrow to work on Science Fair Projects. I will be reading over journal entries regarding each Science Fair Project.  Data and research must be kept to receive maximum marks.

Posted: January 31, 2013

Reminder:Students are working on developing their Science Fair Projects.  Time has been dedicated for students to work on their projects during class.  It is important that each student has material to work on during the designated time.NOTE:  Display boards must be brought in on Monday Feb. 4th.  The next unit in Science will be "Microorganisms" which will begin next Monday Feb. 4th.

Posted: January 15, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone!!! A note to parents that students are now finishing up their final assignment "Current Electricity" Review sheets. This will be done in class.  The next unit students will investigate is "Micro-Organisms".   *  This unit will see students create a Hay Infusion growing their very own organisms.  *  Lab work will include creating wet slides for view under a microscope.*  Name the parts of the Microscope*  Identify specific types of organisms. Science Fair Projects1.  Students will also begin working on their Science Fair Projects.  These projects will be ongoing and all work will be done during class time.  2.  Some investigating and research may be required at home and brought in to to class. 

Posted: December 12, 2012

Science Update: A few notes to parents and sudents that the Electrical unit in Science will run until Christmas break.  Students will be asked to build a Parallel and Series circuit with drawings next week.  This will be the unit test for Electricity. After Christmas break students will explore Micro-organisms.  This unit involves using microscopes to identify specific organisms that students will grow in class using a Hay Infusion. I am also creating a schedule for students to look after our newly aquired fish tank, and class weather station.  Two students will be responsible for maintaining the tank and feeding the fish and two students will be responsible for creating weather bulletins each day for the school.  Students will be scheduled on a one week rotation. Finally Science Fair Projects will begin in the new year.  I am asking students to start thinking about a topic for this project which is due sometime in March.  Further details to follow in the new year!!
Assignment:   Students have been paired up and are currently working on a brochure highlighting 5 important safety tips when dealing with electricity.  Brochure will be completed during class time. Students may research web sites at home to help complete the assignment. Due date for the brochure is Wednesday November 21st.    Attached is the criteria for the assignment...
File electricity_assignment.docx36.75 KB

Posted: October 29, 2012

Homework: Students are working on their Webquest of "The Solar System".  Due date for the Webquest is this Friday Nov. 2nd.  Link: 
Microsoft Office document icon solarsystemworksheet.doc54 KB

Posted: October 16, 2012

Homework: 1.  Students have completed their unit on "The Solar System".  There will be a Quiz on Wednesday Oct. 17th.  Please review diagram of Solar System, Moon and Tides, Moon Phases, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, gravitational pull,  and mass and weight difference. NOTE:  Attached are review sheets to help prepare for the quiz!!

Posted: September 27, 2012

Homework:1.  Students are asked to complete their drawing of the moon crater on page 20 of the textbook.  Drawing due on Monday October 1st.

Posted: September 17, 2012

Homework:   Students are currently working on their "Solar System Research Assignment".  Due date for the assignment is this Friday September 21st/12

Posted: September 13, 2012

Homework:1.  Investigate using books, internet, family members, etc about which planet in our Solar System you would like to learn more about in the coming weeks.2.  Students will begin a "Research Assignment" on the planet they picked starting on Monday September 17th. Note:  I have attached a copy of the assignment and questions that will be used by students.

Posted: September 11, 2012

Homework: 1. Draw, label, and colour a  scaled diagram of the Solar System in your journal.  Due Thursday Sept. 13th.  2. Those who are not finished copying the Solar System table and measurements on page 6 of our textbook must complete by Sept. 13th.  

Posted: September 5, 2012

Hello students and parents and welcome to the beginning of a new year at NSEE!! I have attached a copy of the course outline for parents.  If you as the parent have any questions or concerns about Science please contact me at the school. To all the students in grade 6M, I am looking forward to an exciting year of Discovery and Inquiry!!! Mr. Henderson
File grade_6_science_course_outline.docx15.4 KB
