Mr. Henderson - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

Mr. Henderson


Posted: September 13, 2016

Welcome back students and parents!  I am so excited for this year as you begin your journey exploring interesting Science topics.  Our focus will be on becoming critical thinkers using Scientific Inquiry as the cornerstone for learning.

Attached you will find an outline for the year in Science.  Please take the time to look over this document.  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call me at the school.


Mr. Henderson


File grade_6_science_course_outline.docx31.51 KB

This is a notice to parents that the grade 6 students will be writing Provincial assessments from May 30th - June 2nd.  Subject areas assessed include Literacy, Numeracy, science, and Post Intensive French.

Please ensure your child gets plenty of rest leading up to and during the assessment period!

Posted: May 18, 2016

Electricity Science tests have been marked and returned to students.  Students are asked to get the test signed and returned by Thursday May 19th.

The final unit on "Flight "will be the focus for the next two weeks.

Important NOTE

Grade 6 students will be participating in the Provincial Grade 6 Assessment beginning May 30th.  Areas of focus for the assessment include Literacy, Numeracy, Science, and French.

Posted: May 11, 2016

Electricity Unit

Students have now completed the Electricity Unit.  There will be a test this Friday May 13th on outcomes covered.

Outcomes include:

Electricity safety, Electro magnets, static electricity, current electricity, Parallel & Series circuits, and renewable energy.

NOTE:  Our final unit of the year "Flight" will begin next week.

Good Luck grade 6!

Mr. Henderson





This is a reminder that the series and parallel worksheets one and two in the student scribblers are to be completed for Friday. 

All STEM Fair projects are due this Friday April 8th.

NOTE:  Worksheets are attached!

PDF icon series_parallel_circuit_booklet.pdf387.61 KB

Posted: March 22, 2016

This is an important notice that any grade 6 student who wishes to submit their project to attend the ASD-North district STEM Fair on March 30th must bring the project to the school this Thursday March 24th.  I must see the project to determine if it meets the criteria for the Fair. I apologize for the short notice but due to the March Break, storm days, and Easter this is the only time. 

The district STEM Fair will take place on Wednesday March 30th at JMH.


NOTE:  This is not the due date for all projects.  The tentative due date for "All" projects is Friday April 8th!


Mr. Henderson

Posted: March 14, 2016

1.  Students received their planning sheets for the upcoming STEM Fair on March 30th.  Planning sheets must be filled in and returned for tomorrow March 15th.

2.  Students receivved their Science Test results for "Variety of Life".  The test test is to be reviewed, signed, and returned to Mr. Henderson by the end of the week.


Mr. Henderson

Posted: February 29, 2016

Grade 6 students will begin preparing for the ASD-North annual STEM Fair.  Class time will be dedicated to all students to develop a testable question that is measurable with a strong focus on scientific inquiry. 

The ASD-North STEM Fair will take place at James M. Hill Gymnasium on March 30th.  Those students chosen from the class will have the opportunity to attend the regional fair.

NOTE:  Planning sheets for the projects will be given out next class so that students can plan their projects.

Mr. Henderson


Posted: February 18, 2016

This is a notice to parents that there will be a grade 6 Science test on the "Variety of Life" unit on Monday February 22nd. 

Students are asked to review the following topics:

1.  Classification of living things

2.  Living and Non-Living

3.  Invertebrates & Vertebrates

4.  Microscopes (Label Parts)

5.  Adaptations

Students will begin working on STEM projects for the upcoming district STEM Fair on March 30th.  Attached you will find the document used by students for planning their STEM Project.



Posted: February 11, 2016

A reminder to parents and students that we are coming to the end of the "Variety of Life" unit.  There will be a small summative assesment on the material covered.  Students are asked to review all information and outcomes covered over the last 6 weeks.

There will be a break in curriculum for the next 4 weeks to place focus on STEM projects (Science fair).  All students will be required to produce a STEM Project with the majority of the work taking place during class time.

NOTE: The Variety of Life assessment will be written the week of February 15th.

Topics covered include:

Living/Non Living



Micro-organisms/Microscope parts





Posted: January 26, 2016

A reminder to students that the Vertebrate Mini Research Presentation is now due.  I will be copying your digital presentation during class tomorrow Wednesday January 27th.

Mr. Henderson

Posted: January 12, 2016

A reminder to students that the "Moon Animal" group project is due this Wednesday January 13th.  Details of the assignment are in student scribblers.

Posted: January 7, 2016

Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year!

Students are now working on a cross curricular project.  Students are asked to research a vertebrate animal and prepare a presentation with multiple facts regarding the particular vertebrate.

Attached you will find the assignment. 

Due date is January 25th.

Mr. Henderson

File vertebrate_mini_research_project.docx19.29 KB

Posted: December 11, 2015

NSEE recently purchased a Drone to support grades K-6 Science and to bring STEM initiatives to the forefront for all students at NSEE.  This new piece of robotics equipment will help support oucomes and will engage students in building robotics.  Further benefits include capturing unique video footage for announcments and special events, study local environments, and learn about drone design and construction using 3D printing.

It is a very exciting time for students at NSEE as we move to meet the demand/interest in Computer Science programs and to ensure students are critical thinkers in the 21st century!

For more information check out the links below:



Posted: December 8, 2015

Students are now working on their "Hour of Code" in both Science and Technology.  I have seen great excitement amongst the students and they are very motivated to complete their code assignments.  I am possibly looking at a future unit of coding in the new year.

Parents can check out the hour of code by going to

Happy coding everyone!!

Mr. Henderson
