Mr. Henderson - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

Mr. Henderson


Posted: May 16, 2017

Students are well into the "Flight" unit for Science.  They are exploring the four elements of Flight, Bernoulli's Principle, air properties, and early flight exploration.  I will be taking time to prepare students for the upcoming Provincial Assessments.  Students will work on practice questions in preparation over the next two weeks.

NOTE:  Grade 6 Provincial Assessments will be administered between May 29 - June 9th.  Please ensure your child is well rested each day during the assessment period.  Grade 6 students will be assessed in Literacy, Science, Numeracy, and French.


Mr. Henderson

Posted: April 18, 2017

Students are asked to correct their Science test on electricity and have it signed by their parents.  Tests are to be returned by Thursday April 20th.

We are now starting our final unit on "Flight".  This unit involves the properties of flight, air pressure, air flow, and heated air molecules.  

NOTE:  Grade 6 students will be writing the Provincila Science Assessment at the end of May and beginning of June.  More details to follow.

Mr. Henderson

Posted: April 10, 2017

Students have completed the unit on Electricity and have presented their STEM Fair Projects.  There will be a written test on the Electricity Unit on Wednesday April 12th.

Please ensure your child reviews the following for the test:

1.  Electrical terms

2.  Two types of current (AC & DC) as well as current electricity

3.  Series & Parallel Circuits (Definition and drawings)

4.  Symbols for bulb, wire, switch, resistor 

5.  Renewable Energy (Wind, Solar, Hydro-Electric)


Good Luck 6Ryder!


Posted: March 21, 2017

A reminder to students that all STEM Fair Projects are due on Wednesday March 22nd.  This includes materials needed to present the project to the class.

There will be a mini STEM Fair where the grade 6 students will showcase their projects to all students at NSEE.  The STEM Fair will take place in the Library Learning Commons in the coming days.  Stay tuned!

NOTE:  In class, students are currently working on the Electricity Unit exploring AC/DC power, static electricity, renewable sources of energy, and different types of electrical circuits.

Mr. Henderson

Posted: March 14, 2017

Important Notice:

A notice to students and parents that STEM Fair Projects are due this Friday March 17th.  This only means that the experiment with results must be completed and recorded in student journals. I will be checking jounals for the results of the experiments on Monday March 20th.

Display boards and presentations will take place starting Tuesday March 21st.

Mr. Henderson

Posted: February 21, 2017

A notice to students and parents that STEM Fair Projects are due on March 17th 2017.

Students are now working on completing the procedure to their project.


Mr. Henderson

Posted: February 16, 2017

A notice to parents that students are now working on preparing their STEM Fair Projects.  Time will be given to students to research and develop a good testable question for their experiment.  Students have been given permission to work independently or with a partner for the STEM project.

STEM projects will be due following March Break.  Stay tuned for the date.


NOTE:  Planning sheets have been handed out and students are currently working on a good testable question.  Attached is a copy of the planning sheet.

Mr. Henderson

Posted: January 18, 2017

This is a notice to parents that students are completing their lab reports on Micro-organisms and Microscopes.  This work is done exclusively in the Science class.

Starting next week, students will begin preparing STEM Fair Projects (Science fair).  Planning sheets will be handed out to each student to help in creating a good testable question for an experiment.  More details to follow next week.

Mr. Henderson

Posted: November 22, 2016

This is a notice to parents that students are now exploring the Variety of Life unit focusing on living and non living things.  They will also develop the skills to use a microscope and develop a written lab in proper scientific format.


Mr. Henderson

Posted: November 1, 2016

Our Space Unit is now complete.  Students are asked to review all material covered by going over the notes in their green scribbler and journal.  There will be a test on the unit this Thursday November 3rd.


Attached you will find a space unit outline which can be used to review material.

File space_unit_outline.docx72.45 KB

Posted: October 30, 2016

This is a reminder to students and parents that we are at the end of the Solar System unit.  There will be a review of the material covered early this week with a summative assesment to follow.

Our next unit is called "Variety of Life" with a focus on all living things.

Mr. Henderson


Posted: October 11, 2016

A reminder to students that the Solar System Research Assignment is due this Friday October 14th.

Attached you will find a copy of the assignment.  Please note that I will be giving students computer time to research their chosen planet.

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Posted: October 3, 2016

Students have now completed their first assignment in Technology (Typing).  They will now begin their second assignment using Photostory 3 to create an O'Canada Anthem Slideshow.  Check out my weblinks for tutorials on using Photostory 3!

Attached you will find the assignment.  Due date TBD.


Mr. Henderson

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Posted: September 26, 2016

Students are now exploring each Planet in our solar system.  In the coming days each student will be responsible for completing a research assignment on a planet of their choice.

Area of focus for the next two weeks include:

Day and Night


Moon Phases


Mr. Henderson

Posted: September 19, 2016

Technology Day #2:

Students are working on project #1 "Typing".  The due date for this assignment is September 23rd.  Work should be completed during class time however if students wish to work on one of the levels or stages at home they may do so.

Attached you will find the assignment.

Science Day #1:  Students are researching the contributions of Canadian Astronauts and Astronauts from around the world.  Students are asked to take the time to explore the "Canadian Space Agency" website to find important information regarding Canadian Astronaut contributions.


Mr. Henderson

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