Mr. Henderson - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

Mr. Henderson


Posted: March 28, 2012

Science Fair News!!1.  Congratulations to Mackenzie S., Jenna T., Skylar Y., and Ashley W. as they will represent NSEE at the Middle School District Science Fair on Thursday March 29th at NSER.  Good Luck!!2. Students are finishing up the current unit on "Space" and will begin the next unit "Electricity' early next week.  
Homework:  1.  Tomorrow will be the last day to hand in the "Solar System Research Assignment".   2.  Please complete the "Moon phases Activity Sheet" for tomorrow.  Remember to answer the ten questions on the back of the sheet.  3.  Those wishing to attend the District Science Fair must have projects completed by Wednesday March 28th.  Three students will be chosen to attend the District Fair at NSER on Thursday March 29th in the Gymnasium from 9 AM-Noon.
Homework:  "Solar System Research Assignment" is due tomorrow.  Please make sure there is a title page attached to the assignment.
Homework: 1.  Both 6M & 6R will continue to present Animal Classification PowerPoint/SMART Presentations during class.2.  "The Solar System Research Assignment" is due on Thursday March 22nd.  NOTE:  I have attached an electronic copy of the assignment details.
File solar_system_research_assignment.docx18.72 KB
Science Homework:  1.  Data Forms for the Animal Classification are due tomorrow.  Groups will start presenting their PowerPoint/Smart Projects to the class.2.  Students must have their Solar System  Planet Research sheets in their scribbler for class tomorrow. NOTE:3.  Students interested in attending the District 16 Science Fair must have their projects completed and at school by Wednesday March 28th/12.  The District 16 Science Fair will take place on Thursday March 29th/12 at NSER.  Please click on the link to download the guide. 
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Notice: The "Animal Classification" Project deadline has been extended to the first day back after March break.(Monday March 12th/2012).All groups must have each of their five Powerpoint/SMART Notebook projects completed and handed in at that time. Have a Great March Break!!!
Kingdom Assignment:  This is a note letting students and parents know that the deadline for the "Animal Classification" Powerpoint assignment has been changed.  The due date is on Wednesday Feb. 29th/12. Homework:  Components of the Solar System Lesson 2 – How big is the solar system? Read pg 6 & 7  Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Terms Solar system – the family of planets and other, smaller space objects that move around the sun. Answer the following questions:1. Which is the largest planet? Which is the smallest planet? How do they compare? 2. Which planet is closest in size to Earth?
Assignment:  Students in both classes have been put into groups to create 5 power point/SMART Board Projects on Vertebrates.  Below are the details of the assignment, due date and downloadable documentation:   Task 3 - THE BIG PROJECT You and your group will be creating 5 animal classification Powerpoint/SMART Board presentations. Your presentations will include animals from each of the five groups of vertebrates. Your presentation will also include a definition of each type of animal and at least one example of an animal in each classification. You will work in groups of 2 or 3. Each member of the group will be responsible for researching an animal(s) in a different vertebrates category.   Projects are due on February 28th/12 and groups will present one of the presentations to the class.
A quick reminder that the "Moon Animal" assignment is due tomorrow.   Students are now exploring the animal kingdom and classifying species.
Grade 6 Assignment:  Both classes have started their project on creating a "Moon Animal".  The project will describe the habitat the animal lives in along with its adaptations (structure) and skills to survive on the moon.  Students will also have to provide a drawing of the animal and a sketch of its footprint. NOTE:Project is worth 25 points.Each student is working with a partner and/or partners.Assignment due Thursday February 16th/12

Posted: February 8, 2012

Grade 6R:  Complete "Adaptations Ticket".  Choose an animal and in the table describe the the animals adaptation, structure, and skill.  Each student has a copy of the ticket in their scribbler.
Grade 6M:  Complete "Adaptations Ticket".  Choose an animal and in the table describe the the animals adaptation, structure, and skill.  Each student has a copy of the ticket in their scribbler.   Be prepared to share tomorrow.   Grade 6R:  Identify what adaptations your body has made to allow you to: 1.  Walk 2.  Pick up a pencil 3.  Put on a jacket Hint:  How are you different from a deer?   Students must be prepared to share their information in class tomorrow.
Homework:  Final lab reports are due tomorrow on "Yeast".  Students will begin exploring adaptations and living things.
HOMEWORK: Students are reminded to bring in three ingredients for testing "What Yeast Like To Eat".  Possible ingredients include salt, oil, pop, any type of juice, vinegar, or any ingredient that might make yeast produce carbon dioxide.  Be creative!!!   Experiment will begin on Wednesday February 1st/12.

Posted: January 23, 2012

Request:  Students are asked to bring in an empty 2L pop bottle for their experiment involving yeast.  Students are currently viewing their Hay Infusion under the various microscopes in the classroom.  Groups are reminded that a completed lab report must be handed in to Mr. Henderson for Friday.  
