Mr. Henderson - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

Mr. Henderson


Homework for Friday April 4th:Design and draw a robot.  It can do anything.  Write a descrition of your robot and its special features.  Fully colour and labe the drawing.  1 page for drawing and 1 page for writeup.  Be prepared to explain your robot.Attached is the robot checklist.     
Microsoft Office document icon robot__checklist.doc36 KB

Posted: March 24, 2014

Homework 6M & 6RStudents are asked to complete a list of 20 living things based on the "characteristics" of living things which have been copied down in students scribbler.Students must also answer the four questions on "Robots' from page 8 of the textbook.  Students copied all four questions in their scribbler.

Posted: March 18, 2014

Students are asked to complete a Title Page for "Variety of Life" unit and also make a "T" chart listing 20 living things and 20 non-living things.We will share our lists next class! Mr. Henderson

Posted: March 17, 2014

This is a notice to parents and students that Science Fair projects are now completed, presented, and marked.Students will now begin the next unit in Science "Variety of Life".   Topics to explore include Adaptations, Micro-organisms, and classification of living things,  

Posted: February 21, 2014

This is a reminder to students that Science Fair Projects will be due Following March break.  The due date will be March 12th 2014.Students have been working on their projects over the last several weeks during Science class time.  If students need to take their projects home to complete a particular part, they may do so as long as it is brought back for the next Science class.
This is an update to parents that students now have chosen topics for their Science Fair project.  They must now develop a good testable question with a strong Hypothesis.  They must also gather all materials to conduct their tests and bring in any materials necessary to complete their display boards.Students are asked to keep a running journal of their project progress.  Time will be given to research and develop their projects during class time. The due date for projects will be Wednesday March 12th 2014

Posted: January 23, 2014

This is a note to parents that students have or will receive their marks on the practical evaluation for building series and parallel circuits.  Parents are asked sign the worksheets and return to Mr. Henderson on Monday January 27th. Science Fair Projects:Students are now starting to develop topics for their Science Fair project.  I am asking parents to please purchase a display board from the dollar store and send it in to the school.  All work on displays will be done in class.  Students will have plenty of time "in class" to work on and develop their projects. Attached are the forms for developing a Science Fair Project.

Posted: January 17, 2014

Reminder:  Students are now finishing up their practical section on "Electricity".  Students were required to build a working series and parallel circuit and demonstrate that the circuit works properly. Science classes will  now focus on Science Fair projects for the next 4 weeks.  Each student will be required to develop a project in the areas of an Experiment, Innovation or Study.   Further information will be handed out to students next week. Have a great weekend!Mr. Henderson
Homework 6M & 6R:Students are asked to research and find out the technical name of a "Dimmer Switch". Students will also begin  building different types of circuits powering light bulbs, motors, and bells.

Posted: November 27, 2013

A reminder to all students that your "Electricity Safety" poster should be complete and will need to be printed off by the end of the week.  This can be done in the computer lab.We will begin exploring "Current Electricity" and work on building Series and Parallel Circuits during class time. Topics Covered:*Static Electricity*Electrical Safety*Atoms/Protons/Neutrons/Electrons

Posted: November 20, 2013

A reminder to all students that we will continue with our Static Electricity Centres next class using scientific inquiry to discover actions and reactions to static charges. Students will also be asked to complete their Electricity Safety Posters with their partners in class by the end of next week. Note:Parent teacher interviews are on Thursday November 21st from 5:30 - 7:30 pm and again on Friday morning from 9:00 - 11:30 am. Mr. Henderson

Posted: October 25, 2013

A reminder to students and parents that we have finished our unit on "The Solar System".  We will begin the next unit on "Electricity" and the importance of having it in our lives along with safety tips when dealing with Electricity.   Have a great weekend everyone and see you tonight at the Fall Fair!!   Essential Outcomes: Electricity Static Electricity - Electrons and protons (303-22) Circuits (303-25) Generating Electricity (303-28) Transformation of Energy (303-29)  

Posted: October 17, 2013

Students are reminded that we have finished our unit on "The Solar System".  There will be a test on the unit this Monday and Tuesday Oct. 21st and 22nd.  An outline of what will be asked is in each students scribbler. Mr. Henderson         Attached is an outline of what has been covered.
File space_unit_outline_0.docx65.2 KB
A reminder to students that the Solar System Research Assignment must be passed in by Tuesday October 15th. The class will be finishing up the "Solar System Unit' by next Friday October 18th.    Our next unit will focus on "Electricity".   Happy Thanksgiving everyone and have a great long weekend!   Mr. Henderson
Science Assignment:   Students will be working on a Planet Research Assignment over the next two weeks.  Most of the work will be done in class.  Students will be required to conduct some of the research on their planet at home.   Teams of two have been established to complete this assignment which is due on Friday September 27th.   Attached is the assignment.
