Mr. Henderson - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

Mr. Henderson


Class Assignment; Antibacterial products: 1.  Collect one label of a disinfectant / antibacterial hygienic product. 2.  Examine ingredients used. 3.  Make a poster displaying product labels which are used to protect against microorganism growth.     4.  Due date is Monday Jan. 16th.
Homework:  1.  Complete drawing of your own microorganism.  Name it and describe it in three sentences.  Tell where it can be found.  2.  Also complete "Can You Imagine" worksheet.  Make sure you include colour in your drawing of the microorganisms.

Posted: January 9, 2012

Happy New Year Everyone!!!   NOTE:  Students are completing their Social Studies course Monday and Tuesday and will begin exploring four units in Science from January until June.  The four units include: 1.  Flight 2.  Electricity 3.  Variety/Diversity of Life 4.  Space   The first unit to be explored is Variety of Life and a title page is due tomorrow on this unit.
Homework:  Students are working on the project "China Past and Present".  Project is due on Friday Dec. 9th/11.
Homework:  Complete Culture Quest #10 "Write a short paragraph (1/2 page) on how Christmas is celebrated in another culture or country."   Note:  Report Cards go home today.  Parent Teacher interviews will be conducted the evening of Thursday December 1st from 5:00 - 7:00 pm and again on Friday morning December 2nd from 9:00 - noon. 
Homework:  The Ecozone Comparison Chart is due tomorrow.  Students must compare two countries and their ecozone.  Most of the information needed can be found on the "Snapshot" pages in the textbook.    NOTE:  Some answers might need further research online.

Posted: November 14, 2011

Grades 6R & 6M:  Culture Quest #9 is due for tomorrow.  Maps and Globes assignments were handed back today and must be corrected and signed by parents and returned to me tomorrow.   Note:  Ecozone comparison chart is due Wednesday Nov. 16th.
Social Studies;  Complete Culture Quest #8 for tomorrow.  Globes and Maps Assignment on Discovery Education are due Thursday Nov. 10th.
Students are to complete Culture Quest #7.    1.  List 2 major cultures present in our region other than English or French. 2.  Write what their connection to our area is.
Grades 6R & 6M;  Students are to have both Thematic Maps completed for tomorrow. I will be picking up scribblers to correct over the long weekend. 
Culture Quest #6 is due tomorrow for both grade 6 Mutch and 6 Ryder.       1.  List 3 different ways of saying "Hello". 2.  Write the word. 3.  List the language it comes from.
Social Studies 6R & 6M: Students are currently finishing their notebook project on Famous Landmarks.  They are now exploring Thematic Maps and creating Thematic Maps of New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada.   NOTE Next week students will begin understanding stereotypes in culture and how stereotypes can create positive and negative views.
Homework:  Anyone not finished of their multicultural mosaic picture is asked to complete it by tomorrow.  Students are also to complete Culture Quest #4 "Make a list of 5 symbols that represent Canadian Culture".    
Homework:  Culture Quest number 3 is due tomorrow.   1.  List 5 foods we eat  that come from a different culture.  2.  Name the country that the food comes from.
Homework: Scribblers will be picked up tomorrow to be marked.  Please make sure all completed worksheets are in the scribbler and that the scribbler is in proper order.
