Posted: June 15, 2012
Mrs. Henderson - Archive - 08/2012
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: June 14, 2012
Great Literacy & Math games
Posted: May 25, 2012
We had a wonderful field trip today. The children were so well behaved and the weather was perfect. We were really lucky because we ended up having the whole train car to ourselves (which has never happened before) so the children were able to walk around and explore. Then we went to the Wharf and...
Posted: May 25, 2012
We had a great trip to the fire hall. Many thanks to Darren Hambrook for the awesome tour. The children got to see lots of details on the fire trucks, fire fighters equipment and fire station. Darren was so patient and kind to the children and answered all of our questions. Afterwards we were lucky...
Posted: April 12, 2012
We have been working on some new sight words: they, where, will
Please practice these at home.
Posted: April 12, 2012
Literacy Site
This is a site that we use in class often. It is great for reviewing things learned in class, such as the sounds made by sh, th, wh, ch as well as vowel rules ( "Bossy e" and "2 vowels walking").
Posted: April 12, 2012
Posted: April 12, 2012
Posted: March 23, 2012
Sight Word Game
Try this game - lots of fun!
Posted: March 23, 2012
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