Mrs. Henderson - Archive - 08/2012

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 5, 2011

 Welcome to NSEE's newest students! We are looking forward to meeting all of our new students. It will be an exciting time for the children learning all about school and meeting lots of great friends!

Posted: September 5, 2011

The fall can be a wet season so it may be a good idea to send an extra pair of socks, underwear and pants to school.  Please put them in a bag clearly labeled with your child's name.  I will store them in the classroom incase  the children need them.

Posted: September 5, 2011

Children need both outside and inside shoes. Please make sure that their inside shoes are ones that they are able to run with as they have gym everyday.  Sneakers are much more comfortable and safer than Crocks or shoes. $30 for school supplies is now due, if you have not already passed this in. Please complete and sign the Student Profile sheet, Field Trip consent form and Permission to Publish sheet that was sent home with your child on their first day. Remember our school is "Nut Free". Please return your child's "Take-Home Folder" each morning so that new notes can be sent home each day. If your child is going home on a different bus - remember to send a dated bus note in the morning and remind them to give it to me as soon as they arrive (I will double-check their folders each morning).  

Posted: September 5, 2011

There are several students at NSEE who have nut allergies, therefore our school is nut-free.  Please do not send peanut butter or other nut products in your child's lunch cans.  Thanks!


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Added: Fri, Jun 15 2012