
Posted: December 14, 2012

Anyone who purchased cookie dough can pick up their orders at the Sunny Corner Irving Mainway. Thank you to everyone who supported our Cookie Dough fundraiser.

Posted: December 11, 2012

Our cafeteria will be serving our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday, December 19th.  The meal will include:  Roast Turkey/Cranberry Sauce, Gravy Mashed Potatoes, Vegetables, Stuffing, Dessert & Milk. The cost of the meal is $4.00 (the school will subsidize the balance).  Orders must be pre-paid by Monday, December 17th.Please note that regular cafeteria items will be not be available this day.

Posted: December 7, 2012

Thank you to everyone who has brought in World Vision gifts.  We have already been able to purchase: Agricultural Packs for 3 Families Clothing for 25 Children Supply a Classroom 2 Hens & Rooster 2 Mosquito Nets Sports Equipment Children can check the bulletin board in the cafeteria daily for yellow starts showing what we have purchased so far.  Together we are making a difference!    

Posted: November 22, 2012

This morning the kindergarten teachers and students did a presentation on the World Vision Christmas Appeal. As mentioned in the newsletter and note that was sent home, the teachers are asking that instead of giving them a gift this Christmas, parents consider making a small donation to World Vision.  The teachers feel very fortunate that their students have most basic necessities and they know that there are other children in the world who are less fortunate.  World Vision is an organization that allows us to share and make a difference!

Posted: November 16, 2012

NSER will be hosting a Spaghetti & Auction dinner at the Kinsmen Center on Nov. 28th featuring guest speaker Bruce Beaton. Mr. Beaton is a former professional football player who has written "Little Athletes, Big Leaders". If your child plays sports you should come out and hear his message. Please see attached poster for more details.

Posted: November 9, 2012

To celebrate our home and school members and their involvement in enhancing the positive learning environment at our school, the NSEE Home and School provided a night at Red Rock Lodge and a $50 Irving card for all 2012-2013 members.  The names were put into a draw and last night, at the November meeting, Principal Mike Buggie drew Claudia Peter-Paul as the winner.  Congratulations to Claudia, and thank you to her for her service as a home and school volunteer.  Thanks to ALL the parents who signed up and who help with events throughout the year that benefit our students!  

Posted: November 9, 2012

On Friday, November 9, 2012, NSEE held their Remembrance Day Ceremony.  This year the grade 6 students hosted this event by acting as flag bearers, MC's, wreath layers, greeters, readers and singers. All classes were also represented by two wreath layers.  Mrs. Holmes class sang a song called "Thank you"  A special thank you to some Home & School parents for helping with the meal and to the NSEE staff for providing the meal.  We had many honored guests attend.  Thank you to all who attended!   (Check out the image gallery for more pictures)

Posted: November 4, 2012

Reminder of the Home & School meeting on Monday night (Nov 5) at 6:30 pm. The draw for the one night stay at the Red Rock Lodge and the $50 Irving Gas Card will be made.....everyone should come to the might be the lucky winner!!  

Posted: November 3, 2012

The NSEE Home & School will be selling Cookie Dough.  All students received an order form.  Deadline is Friday, November 16, 2012 The products offered in a 3-lb. (1.36 kg) tamper proof pail are as follows:   Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 3 lb. (1.36 kg) Double Chocolate Cookie Dough 3 lb. (1.36 kg) Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Dough 3 lb. (1.36 kg) Rainbow Chip Cookie Dough 3 lb. (1.36 kg) Ginger Cookie Dough 3 lb. (1.36 kg) Shortbread Cookie Dough 3 lb. (1.36 kg)   All products will be shipped frozen and are re-freezable after thawing.  $10.00 per pail  

Posted: November 2, 2012

The Healthy Learners in School Program with support from MANGO is promoting a Healthy Breakfasts for Healthy Learners project during the month of November. Each week during the month there will be new information available to parents and guardians. Please visit Healthy Breakfasts Healthy Learners to read about what makes a healthy breakfast and find delicious recipes.


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