We all know that the body we have is the one we have to live in...so let's make it the best one we can! NSEE will be hosting an evening Walking Club beginning on Tuesday, October 2nd. This community wellness activity will allow students, parents and friends to walk in a safe environment without worries about inclement weather, scary animals and traffic. Instead, from 6:30-8:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday nights, come to NSEE and get your daily exercise, and add to the impact by walking the stairs! The $2 user fee will help fund NSEE Breakfast Program. Everyone is welcome!
On Friday September 14th North and South Esk Elementary School celebrated the life and legacy of Terry Fox. Students took part in an assembly/walk celebrating the annual event.Something different this year at NSEE was “The Wall Of Hope”.
Thursday, September 13 @ 5:30 pm the Home & School will be holding a BBQ, Open House and PSSC Elections at NSEE. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring the kids, meet the Teachers and Staff and drop by NSEEY'S Store for a visit! EVeryone Welcome - We hope to see you there!
Parents are reminded that NSEE is a NUT FREE SCHOOL. We have several students with allergies to peanuts and other nuts. Students are not permitted to bring peanut butter sandwiches or other nut products to school. This also includes WOWBUTTER. Please ensure that babysitters or others who have responsibilities for lunches are aware of this rule.
Reminder to Parents - The first day of school for students in Grades 1-6 will be on Wednesday, September 5th. Kindergarten students will have Staggered Entry as per the letter that you should have received over the summer. If any parents have not received letters in regards to staggered entry dates, please contact the school office.
The Grade 6 School Supply List is as follows:
Agenda fee $6 (Please put this in a baggie with your child’s name on it)
Odds and Ends
Indoor shoes (sneakers for gym)
Glue sticks (x3)
Kleenex (x2 boxes)
A protractor (You do not need a math set….only a protractor)
White Labels (to put on duo tangs to label your name)
Calculator (an inexpensive one- label this with your name)
Scissors (label it with your name)
Ruler (clear/metric/not bendable- label this with your name)
Camp Sheldrake, Bartibog, is now accepting registrations for upcoming summer programs for children/youth ages 6 – 17 years. Visit our website www.campsheldrake.ca or contact our office campshel@xplornet.ca or by phone 622-8907 for further information. Limited space available.