On Thursday, September 24 Wendy Sutherland from Kentucky Fried Chicken presented NSEE with a cheque for $1000.00. The funds were from the KFC S'Cool Life Fund and will be used to purchase new soccer uniforms and for Student Leaders fieldtrips. The grant application was submitted by Ms. Marcy Downey.
On Wednesday, September 24th Mrs. Carney raised our newest banner to the gym wall. The banner recognizes NSEE's commitment toward quality Physical Education and Health programs in our school. Awarded from Physical & Health Education Canada, our school earned the Platinum Award. The award's description is as follows from PHE Canada:
NSEE would like to welcome Mr. Aaron Johnston to our staff as our new Vice-Principal. Mr. Johnston is an alumnus of NSER. He brings to our school valuable experience, his most recent assignment was at Blackville School. He also has taught at Elsipogtog School and in Northern Alberta. In addition to his administrative duties, he will be teaching Grade 6 Language Arts and Phys. Ed.
On May 19th, NSEE students travelled to the School District 16 Digital Media Studio to produce a recording of the musical soundtrack of our Do Wop Wed Widing Hood drama production. The CD turned out awesome!
We had Holland teachers come to see us last week. They are our Holland pen pals teachers. They were really nice, they gave us candies and cookies and we got little key chain wooden dutch shoes. We got to see a power point that the tech teacher made for us. We learned lots about Holland and about there wind mills. We had the dutch teachers and some of the people that work at district 16 too come and see Ethan's power point on Native culture. His power point was really good. We even got a song to sing and we tried to sing it in Dutch. We were pretty good at singing it in Dutch.