World Vision Christmas Appeal

Posted: November 22, 2012

This morning the kindergarten teachers and students did a presentation on the World Vision Christmas Appeal. As mentioned in the newsletter and note that was sent home, the teachers are asking that instead of giving them a gift this Christmas, parents consider making a small donation to World Vision.  The teachers feel very fortunate that their students have most basic necessities and they know that there are other children in the world who are less fortunate.  World Vision is an organization that allows us to share and make a difference! During the presentation the school listened to the reading of "Beatrice's Goat", a true story that showed the difference that one goat made in the life of a girl in Uganda.  They then were presented with the gifts that might be bought with the money collected and watched a video that showed the impact of the gifts. The two kindergarten classes lead the school in the singing of "All I Really Need", a heart-warming song by Raffi.  The attachments are a copy of the presentations from the gym.  We hope you take time to view them.  Thank you in advance for understanding our goal of raising awareness to the needs of others. Here is the link to the World Vision Canada site: Here is a link to the Raffi song "All I Really Need".