Mrs. Henderson - Archived - 08/2013

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Posted: October 15, 2012

Catchy Rhyming Song

We listened to this song last week and it was a big hit! Share it with your parents and find the rhyming words!

Posted: October 15, 2012

You will notice in the homework this week that the children have been practicing printing their names. We have been working on other fine motor skills as well, such as cutting. There are lots of fun activities that you can do with your child to help him/her develop the skills needed to make these activities easier. The occupational therapist that visits our school once a week has shared some great activities with us and has given permission for them to be posted on the website. The other kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Hendry, was kind enough to post the pictures along with a brief description. I will work some of these into our day but please choose some to try at home as well. You can find them on Mrs. Hendry's teacher page.

Posted: October 5, 2012

We started learning about the letter Tt this week and today we had some terrific turkeys in the room! This was a lot of fun...the children worked very hard to get their headbands made and then had fun with all their gobbling!

Posted: October 2, 2012

Posted: October 2, 2012

We had an amazing day at the orchard! The weather was beautiful (we weren't chilly at all) and the children were excellent listeners! Ask your child to tell you all about the things they saw and learned.

Posted: September 27, 2012

We had another fantastic week in kindergarten. This week we focused on the letters Ff and Pp. We had some yummy fried fish, made Ff's in foam, and the children absolutely LOVED the frog craft. With the letter Pp we had some popcorn, sang lots of songs, read stories, made penguins and polka dotted...

Posted: September 24, 2012

 We had lots of fun learning all about the letter Ss and it's sound. There were lots of Silly Socks on Friday! We also enjoyed many songs, stories, smarties, skittles and s crafts.  Keep listening for words with Sammy Snake's /s/ sound!                                                             

Posted: September 18, 2012

Posted: September 18, 2012

Rhyme Time

We have been practicing our rhyming in class. Rhyming is a fun activity to do together at home, in the car or during playtime. See if you can make lots and lots of rhymes. This link is a great way to practice on the computer as well!

Posted: September 18, 2012

There Was An Old Monster!


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Added: Thu, Jun 13 2013