Mrs. Henderson - Archived - 08/2013

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Posted: December 13, 2012

We are flying through the sight words! It is amazing to see the children reading all of their "read the words" books. I am so impressed with our progress. We continue to learn a few new words each week. These are words that they should know in "a snap". We practice each day with fun activities such as rainbow writing, clapping them, stomping them, reading sentences on the smartboard and playing games like BLAST, Fishing and Concentration. Keep reviewing them at home as well.  So far we have worked with: a, I, am, is, here, Mom, Dad, little, big, the, my

Posted: December 13, 2012

Math Games and Videos

Posted: December 13, 2012

 We have spent the last few weeks learning the numbers 1-4. The children really enjoyed looking through magazines to find pictures with 1, 2 and 3 things. This is something that they can do at home using magazines or store flyers. See if they can make a page for each number. Write the number on the top of the page and then find as many pictures as you can with that number. For instance in a flyer you may see 2 apples or 2 shirts. We have also enjoyed watching some funny videos for each number of the day.  These videos can be found on the Sesame Street website below. Click on "videos" and then type in search "number 4" or whichever number you are interested in. There will be lots of choices. Also on the same website you can click on "games" and seach "counting" to find some fun activities.

Posted: December 5, 2012

We had a great trip to the hospital today! We have been working on telling stories with lots of details. This is a perfect opportunity for the children to practice telling detailed stories at home.  Ask your child to tell you all about what they did at each department that we visited.  We were at:...

Posted: December 3, 2012

Each time report cards are sent home we celebrate the wonderful students that we have at NSEE.  We recognize students who have shown: perfect attendance, courtesy, positive attitude and most impovement.  I have a class full of excellent students! Congratulations to those who received certificates...

Posted: November 30, 2012

We have been reviewing the math concept more than, fewer than and same as through many different activities. One activity we completed was reading a book called Mr. Gumpy's Outing. We followed up the reading by having students draw a picture of people or creatures they wanted to take with them in their own boat. They then used counters beside people/creatures to show more than, fewer than and the same. We encourage parents to reinforce this concept at home by using food such as smarties or fruit loops. Have children show more than, fewer than or same as the amount you have. We are now counting and creating sets of 1-3. Here is a link to a video that students can watch with you. Look for the sets of three objects in the

Posted: November 30, 2012

This week KS learned the letters Hh & Uu.  The zoophonic animal for Hh is Honey Horse and some students made a Honey Horse craft. We read a poem about Hannah's Hiccups and students identified the Hh's in the the poem.  This link is to storybots video of the letter H which the students love: For the letter Uu the zoophonic animal is the Umbrella Bird. We watched a neat video about Umbrella Birds. The Umbrella Bird eats fruit and insects. Have a look at the video to find out more about the Umbrella Bird at this link:

Posted: November 30, 2012

Wednesday, December 5th, our kindergarten class will be visiting the Miramichi Hospital for a tour of various departments. We will leave the school promptly at 8:40 am and plan to return by our 11:30 lunch. Please do not have your child buy their lunch that day or have anything that requires heating as we may not return on time and then we will eat lunch in our classroom. Parents will not be able to accompany us on this trip as the hospital has guidelines as to the number of adults allowed on this tour. Thanks for understanding!

Posted: November 26, 2012

We are moving right along with our sight words as well. Remember that these are words that they should be able to read and write.  They are often words that don't follow the "rules" so we need to just remember them instead of sounding them out.  Practice these words lots so they become very quick - at school we say that we need to know them "in a snap"!!  The words we have learned so far are: I, a, is, am, Mom, Dad This week we will work on here. When working with sight words remember to sometimes use the uppercase at the beginning of the word (ex: am, Am).

Posted: November 26, 2012

Last week we focused on two more letters. We practiced the two sounds that the letter Oo makes as well as the two sounds for the letter Cc.  For the letter Oo we did some octopus crafts and read a great non-fiction book about octopuses! Did you know that they can change color? They can grow a lost arm back? They squirt ink?  Have your child tell you all about this cool creature!  Listen for words that begin with Oo as well as words that have it in the middle!  We also learned about the letter Cc and it was a favorite because we saw a favorite character Cookie Monster!!  We even got to eat some chocolate chip cookies and see that when c is right beside a h it makes another sound (ch). The children have nearly mastered their letter names and letter sounds but please continue to review these so they become automatic! As we read and write more and more it will become necessary for the children to get faster at making the sounds and formations for each letter. To review letters in a fun way check out one of their favorite websites:  


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Added: Thu, Jun 13 2013