Mr. Henderson - Archived - 09/2017

Mr. Henderson

Posted: September 13, 2012

Homework:1.  Investigate using books, internet, family members, etc about which planet in our Solar System you would like to learn more about in the coming weeks.2.  Students will begin a "Research Assignment" on the planet they picked starting on Monday September 17th. Note:  I have attached a copy of the assignment and questions that will be used by students.

Posted: September 11, 2012

Homework: 1. Draw, label, and colour a  scaled diagram of the Solar System in your journal.  Due Thursday Sept. 13th.  2. Those who are not finished copying the Solar System table and measurements on page 6 of our textbook must complete by Sept. 13th.  

Posted: September 5, 2012

Hello students and parents and welcome to the beginning of a new year at NSEE!! I have attached a copy of the course outline for parents.  If you as the parent have any questions or concerns about Science please contact me at the school. To all the students in grade 6M, I am looking forward to an exciting year of Discovery and Inquiry!!! Mr. Henderson
File grade_6_science_course_outline.docx15.4 KB

Posted: June 13, 2012

Grade 6M & 6R Launch June 13th 2012

Posted: June 11, 2012

Note:Attached are the review notes on the "Flight Unit".  Students are asked to review these notes and all notes taken during classes.There will be a final quiz in the coming days.
File forces_of_flight_review.pptx818.34 KB
File unit_test_overview.docx11.51 KB
Note: Students are now building their Rockets in Science class.  Students will launch their rockets either at the end of this week or early next week. Progress building the rockets has been good...keep up the great work everyone!!!  
Paper Airplane Projects: A reminder to all students that the group paper airplane assignments are due on Friday June 1st.  Trials have started on the first of three planes that will be tested for distance.  Good Luck everyone!!   Note:  Both classes will begin building Estes Rockets next week!!!    

Posted: May 25, 2012

Reminder: 1.  Students will begin building their very own paper airplanes on Monday during Science class.  It is expected that all students research possible designs on the weekend (internetbooks) so that everyone has a plan for making their airplane.  Students will test their planes using an electric plane launcher.  Measurements will take place to determine which plane will travel the furthest. Good Luck Everyone!!!  
Homework: 1.  Students are asked to predict how and why objects float in fluids.  Please be prepared to discuss your findings in class on Wednesday. NOTE:  Anyone who did not hand in their Electricity test must to so by this Friday May 18th.
Homework:1.  Students are asked to correct their test on "Electricity" and have it signed by a parent and returned to me no later than this Friday.2.  The class will begin exploring "Bernoulli's Principle".


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Added: Wed, Apr 27 2016