On Friday September 25th North & South Esk Elementary had surprise visitors to the school. Deputy Premier, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Stephen Horsman along with local MLA Lisa Harris arrived at NSEE to take part in the annual Terry Fox Walk.Minister Horsman and MLA Lisa Harris also had the honours of handing out the Student of the Week to grade 5 student Landon Parks! A big thank you goes out to both for coming to visit the community of Sunny Corner and to take the time to meet the staff and students of NSEE!
A notice to everyone that the NSEE annual Terry Fox Walk/Run will take place this Friday September 25th. The event will begin with an assembly in the gym at 12:45 pm followed by the walk. Parents and family members are encouraged to come out and walk/run with their child in support of this great cause in the fight against cancer. This is the 35th Anniversary of Terry's journey and we are asking that students/parents make a contribution of a "Toonie for Terry".
The APEGNB Pumpkin Fling will take place this Saturday September 26th. This is a great fall STEM event happening at Waterford Green in Chatham. There are over 25 companies who have sponsored events, prizes and supplies including APEGNB (Engineers Geoscientists New Brunswick), Sunny Corner Entreprises and NBCC. Come out and enjoy the fun this Saturday at Waterford Green!
The NSEE Breakfast Program is now up and running. With that, there continues to be a need for volunteers to serve breakfast to students between 8:00 - 8:30 am each school day. If you are interested in volunteering for this very important program please call the school at 836-7010. Currently there is a need for volunteers on Tuesdays/Thursdays and every second Friday. A BIG Thank You goes out to Big Brothers and Big Sisters in providing funding to help offset costs to our breakfast program!
training will continue as scheduled on Tuesday September 15th but
will be ending earlier. Please pick your child up at 5:00 PM at the main
Welcome parents, students, and family members. The entire staff at NSEE is looking forward to a wonderful 2015 - 2016 school year!Attached you will find the information for class supply fees and what to bring for your child on the first week of school. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school at 836-7010. Looking forward to a seeing everyone on September 8th!
Attached is the 2015 - 2016 ASD-North School Calendar. Please take the time to review the important dates for the upcoming school year including breaks, professional learning days and parent teacher interviews.
Congratulations goes out to all the NSEE students who participated in the Mango Go For 42 run on Sunday June 28th. NSEE is proud to have so many take part in this wonderful event and look forward to having more participate next year! Great work runners!!