
Posted: March 22, 2015

Mango Mania – Nutrition Month 2015: Eating 9 to 5!  Week 1      MANGO and the ASD-N Healthy Learners Team are promoting healthy eating during Nutrition Month.      Did you know? Almost 40% of Canadians skip breakfast, increasing their risk for morning brain drain. Read more to learn about some quick breakfast ideas… Rushed mornings can leave little time for breakfast. If you skip the morning meal, your body and brain will lack fuel. That means you might be less alert and unable to concentrate at work. You’re also missing out on some big benefits.

Posted: March 19, 2015

The NSEE Home & School will be hosting a fun filled Family Skate Night on Saturday March 21st at the Sunny Corner Arena from 7:00 - 9:00 pm.  A canteen will be available with pop, chips, and candy bars. Come out and enjoy an evening of skating, door prizes, 50/50 and much more!

Posted: March 18, 2015

2015 CUTE Awards postponed due to weather related closures on March 18th. A new date will be announced.

Posted: March 17, 2015

 NSEE has been nominated for the following categories in the 2015 ASD-N CUTE Awards: What's Cool About My School?" School Spirit category- produced by Ally Matchett and Amelia-Mae Walker Let Them Go- Audio Video- produced by Mrs. Mutch and Mrs. Holmes What I Like About You?- Mrs. Flanagan's Class      All videos can be found on our "Video" tab on this site.  Good luck to our finalists!!

Posted: February 24, 2015

ASD-N Students! Does your teacher have a classroom or subject web page that supports your classroom experience? Are you and your fellow students so proud of your school that you are busting to let others know about it? Have you used technology in your classroom to help you learn? If so then the 2015 ASD-N CUTE Awards are for you.        ·       NOMINATE your Teacher’s Web Page (parents can also make nominations for this award). ·       Get involved with making a School Spirit Video - You school could win an Ipad Mini Videography Kit (sponsored by Kinsmen Club of the Miramichi).

Posted: February 24, 2015

A great opportunity is available for students and parents of ASD-North over the March Break!  Please see attachment for details

Posted: February 20, 2015

Attached is the Middle School Boys Basketball Jamboree Schedule.  The Jamboree will take place at Blackville School on Monday February 23rd.

Posted: February 2, 2015

The New Brunswick Anglophone school system has three education program options to support students learning the French language.  Information sessions will provide an overview of these programs to help parents make a choice with their child entering Grade 3 or Grade 6.  All sessions will begin at 6:30 at the following schools:   February 16 – Terry Fox School, Bathurst   February 17 – Dr. Losier School, Miramichi   February 18 – Lord Beaverbrook School, Campbellton  February 19 – L.E.R. School, Dalhousie

Posted: January 29, 2015

"PINK SHIRT" DAY On Thursday February 26, 2015 NSEE will be celebrating PINK SHIRT DAY. Students are asked to wear pink to show their support against bullying. The school is selling pink NSEE t-shirts at a cost of $12 per shirt and they are available in children and adult sizes.  The shirts are Gildan brand and the sizes are listed below. Please note that students do not have to purchase a shirt, this is a personal choice.  Students can also wear pink clothing they already own. Children Sizes:                                                               Extra Small (size 4-5)

Posted: January 16, 2015

    We will be celebrating Family Literacy Day on Friday, January 30th. What is Family Literacy?  Literacy is more than books. There are several ways to keep your literacy skills sharp - all it takes is practicing for 15 minutes every day. Reading, writing, playing a game, following a recipe, or even singing a song all help prepare children for the future. Check out ideas at the Literacy Canada Site   Children may wear their country style outfits to school that day.    


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