K-2 Choir has been busy practicing each Wednesday from
2-3. There are 21 students in choir, and we are getting ready for the
Remembrance Day Ceremony at NSEE on November 10th. We will be
singing: "Where Have All the Poppies Gone?" and
"Peace Like A River".
Grade 4 & 5 Girls Basketball practices will be
starting shortly. We will be practicing at noon hour early in the season and
will add a practice night to our schedule later. Games most likely will
not start until December. Keep an eye on
Mr. Ryder’s teacher page for further updates and weekly schedules.
NSEE will be celebrating World
Kindness Day on Friday Nov. 13th. We encourage all families to
participate by spreading kindness in our school and community. Acts of
kindness can be big or small and shown in multiple ways. The best part of
being kind is the wonderful feeling it creates for all people involved! We will be having an assembly to celebrate World Kindness Day at 11:15 am on November 13, parents are welcome to attend.
Bullying Awareness week is Nov. 16th - 20th. NSEE will be
celebrating peace and kindness in various ways throughout the week.
Parents and guardians are invited to
complete an online survey on child care in New Brunswick as part of the public
consultation being conducted by the Child Care Sector Task Force.
The survey is available at : www.gnb.ca/engageNB
The survey will remain online until Nov.
2. It represents a chance for New Brunswickers to tell the taskforce what
kind of child care they are looking for, what options they have found, what
works and what does not work in the current system.
The mandate of the task force is to
Happy Halloween NSEE Community! A reminder that the Halloween Parade will take place at the school on Friday October 30th beginning at 8:45 am. Come out and enjoy the wonderful ghosts and goblins as they parade around the gymnasium. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume in each class and our Home & School will be making the draw for the Fall Basket and Membership Drive Prize! Parents and family are welcome to attend!
We are excited to once again host the NSEE Annual Fall Fair on Friday, October 23 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Admission is $5 each with tons of activities for the kids. We look forward to seeing you. We also encourage everyone to visit NSER's Haunted House from 7:00 - 9:00. Help support the 2016 Safe Grad Class.
Registration for children entering Kindergarten in September 2016 will be held from October 13th-16th at North & South Esk Elementary School. Parents are reminded that Kindergarten attendance in 2016-2017 is compulsory for children born in 2011, except if a child is born between September 1st and December 31st of that year. These children have the option of starting Kindergarten the following year. If you have a child entering Kindergarten next year, visit the main office between 8:30 am-3:00 pm to have him or her registered.
The Anglophone North School District Education Council will be holding a public engagement session to discuss the 10-year education plan. The session will be held on Thursday, October 29, at Gretna Green Elementary School, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Community members are encouraged to attend.
On Saturday October 3rd "Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day" will take place at Kouchibouguac National Park. For more information please click on the attachment below.