Latest Teacher Activity

Title Type Page Post date
Week 1: Kindergarten Home Learning Note Mrs. Girouard - Archived 10/20 April 6, 2020
Week 1: Grade 1 Home Learning Note Mrs. Girouard - Archived 10/20 April 6, 2020
Raz Kids Document Mrs. Henderson - Archive 10/20 April 6, 2020
Week 1 Home Learning Grade 5 Math Note Mrs. S Mutch - Archived 10/20 April 6, 2020
Home Learning Week 1 Kindergarten Mutch Note Mrs. H. Mutch - Archived 10/210 April 6, 2020
Our First Week of Home Learning Document Mrs. Silliker - Archived 10/20 April 6, 2020
We Miss Everyone! Note Mrs. Esty - Archived 10/20 April 3, 2020
Hello to all my Jr. Cobras Note Miss Downey - Archive 10/20 April 3, 2020
Sliding in February Image Gallery Mrs. Sullivan - Archived 08/20 April 2, 2020
Hello Friends! Note Mrs. Sullivan - Archived 08/20 April 2, 2020
Hello Friends! Image Gallery Mrs. Sullivan - Archived 08/20 April 2, 2020
Home of the Jr Cobras Image Gallery Miss Downey - Archive 10/20 April 1, 2020
Join Our Class Facebook Group-"Mrs. Girouard's K/1 Class" Image Gallery Mrs. Girouard - Archived 10/20 March 31, 2020
Literacy Web Link Mrs. Esty - Archived 10/20 March 31, 2020
Happy Birthday Shout Out! Image Gallery Mrs. Girouard - Archived 10/20 March 30, 2020
What have you been up to? Note Mrs. Girouard - Archived 10/20 March 30, 2020
Hi, Friends! Image Gallery Mrs. Girouard - Archived 10/20 March 27, 2020
We Miss You! Note Mrs. Girouard - Archived 10/20 March 25, 2020
Thinking of YOU! Image Gallery Mrs. Girouard - Archived 10/20 March 25, 2020
French Books Online Web Link Mme Gaudett - Archived 09/21 March 15, 2020
1 to 100 Song Web Link Mme Gaudett - Archived 09/21 March 14, 2020
Youtube Stories in French Web Link Mme Gaudett - Archived 09/21 March 14, 2020
Math Games Web Link Mme Gaudett - Archived 09/21 March 14, 2020
Je suis une pizza song Web Link Mme Gaudett - Archived 09/21 March 14, 2020
Perspective Drawings Web Link Mrs. S Mutch - Archived 10/20 March 12, 2020
