Week 1 Home Learning Grade 5 Math

Posted: April 6, 2020


Dear Parents/Guardians,

The guidelines set out by the province is to have 30 minutes per day for math activities. 

Each week I will give you a choice of some math tasks.  I will have: multiplication & division review, a review of an outcome already covered in class, something new to explore and a fun activity too. 

Your child will know how to use my Teacher Page already so ask them to help you out.  I will post some some flash card that you can print if you need them.  If you do not have access to technology, don’t worry as I will have some "no tech" options for you too.

I know this is a unique situation and I am sure there will be growing pains.  Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to Shayla.mutch@nbed.nb.ca . 

Your child also knows how to use Office 365 and they can send emails so they can email me too.  Tell me to send me a message. I miss them!

I know there are many stressful things going on in your life, your community and the world.  I do not want this to be a stressful time for you or your family.  Do what you can and leave the rest. 

Take care and be safe!
Shayla Mutch :)


Please see Word document below.  Here are the Links in the Word Document:




http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/me5l/html/Math5.html  Choose: Proper Fractions

