Mrs. S Mutch - Archived 10/20

Grade 5 Math

Posted: June 7, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 10 of Home Learning.  Don't worry, we are just reviewing this week.

Wow!  Where did the year go?!
I hope you all have a safe and happy summer.
We will see you in September.

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :)  

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Posted: June 1, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 9 of Home Learning. 

This week we are going to explore Transformations.  Students love this unit! And it is our last one. Yay!!

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :)  

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Posted: May 25, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 8 of Home Learning. 

This week we are going to explore division.  It is a lot of fun to learn how to do it.  Take it one step at a time and start slowly.  

I also have only received a few Leadership application sheets from our Grade 5 students.  These were due back last Friday.  If you have one and haven't sent it to me, please do so via my email or a Facebook message.  Thanks!

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :)  

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Posted: May 18, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 7 of Home Learning.  I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend!  Is anyone fishing?

We are moving on with some new math concepts.  I just know that you will love multiplication and division!  Please do not get overwhelmed.  Take it slow and easy and one step at a time.

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :)  

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Posted: May 11, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 6 of Home Learning.  I hope everyone is doing well!

Just a quick reminder that I was able to send home a duo tang of math work (please check your bag from last week).  I have now started to give some new work in my weekly plan.  There is a quick review at the top on each page.  Let me know if there are any questions about this work.  You might even learn a few tricks!

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :)  

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Posted: May 4, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 5 of Home Learning.  I hope everyone is doing well!

Just a quick reminder that this is the week we go to the school to pick up personal belongings.  Please check the schedule for Tuesday.  It was certainly  an interesting experience to clean out 21 desks in my math classroom...some of them were very tidy and some of them I was frightened to put my hand inside!  I would love to see their rooms.

I was able to send home a duo tang of math work so no need to find extra sheets for them to do.  I will reference these sheets in my weekly plan.  I also sent home a fact sheet (second page).  A great idea is to use this sheet to highlight the facts your child still needs to study.

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :)  

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Posted: April 27, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 4 of Home Learning.  I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weekend!

I hope your Home Learning is going well.  Remember if you are not able to do any of the suggested learning opportunities, this is a great time to focus on nailing your multiplication and division facts from 0 to 9.

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to or tell your child to send me a message.  They know how to do it on Office 365.   I miss them!

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :) 

Please see the printable Word document for Week 3 Home Learning.

Here are the links from the document for easy access:





New Concepts:  

 Fun Stuff:

Comparing  Decimals Review:

Adding Decimals:

Subtracting Decimals:

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Posted: April 19, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Wow! Can you believe that it is Week 3 for Home Learning.  I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weekend!

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to or tell your child to send me a message.  They know how to do it on Office 365.   I miss them!

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :) 

Please see the printable Word document for Week 3 Home Learning.

Here are all the Links in the Word Document for easy access:

Addition Review:


Subtraction Review:

Money Review:

Comparing Fractions:

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Posted: April 13, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you had a great long weekend!  I miss all of my little bunnies!  Happy Easter!

I have given you some printable multiplication and division flash cards for you to print if you have a printer (check out Week 1 Home Learning).  I also try to give you some extra pages to print for extra practice in case you are looking for some.

How are you making out with Home Learning?  Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to or tell your child to send me a message. I miss them!

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :)


Please see the printable Word document for Week 2 Home Learning.

Here are all the Links in the Word Document for easy access:

Multiplication Practice:





Tangram Puzzles:



Data & Probability Review:       

Telling Time Review:

Equivalent Fractions:

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Posted: April 6, 2020


Dear Parents/Guardians,

The guidelines set out by the province is to have 30 minutes per day for math activities. 

Each week I will give you a choice of some math tasks.  I will have: multiplication & division review, a review of an outcome already covered in class, something new to explore and a fun activity too. 

Your child will know how to use my Teacher Page already so ask them to help you out.  I will post some some flash card that you can print if you need them.  If you do not have access to technology, don’t worry as I will have some "no tech" options for you too.

I know this is a unique situation and I am sure there will be growing pains.  Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to . 

Your child also knows how to use Office 365 and they can send emails so they can email me too.  Tell me to send me a message. I miss them!

I know there are many stressful things going on in your life, your community and the world.  I do not want this to be a stressful time for you or your family.  Do what you can and leave the rest. 

Take care and be safe!
Shayla Mutch :)


Please see Word document below.  Here are the Links in the Word Document:  Choose: Proper Fractions   



Home Learning Week 2 Grade 5 Math