On Thursday, February 21st, NSEE grade 5 & 6 students played against Blackville in our annual Principal's Cup hockey game. Goals were scored for NSEE by: Blake McFarlane, Logan Matchett, Justin Matchett and Mark Jardine. After a great game and with a score of 7-2, NSEE brought home the trophy!!A special thanks go out to the staff at the canteen (Anna and her helpers)!
Congratulations to everyone who played or cheered on the team! Great job!
Students and staff of NSEE will be celebrating Winter Appreciation Week "Olympic Style" starting Tuesday February 18th until Friday February 21st.. Each day, students and staff will take part in a particular theme related to the current 2014 Winter olympics in Sochi Russia. Attached is the schedule for all the events during the week...Go Canada Go!!
Congratulations to Jillian
Mutch, in Mrs. Silliker’s Grade 2/3 class!
She won “Fire Chief for the Day” by entering a contest during Fire
Safety week in October. On Tuesday,
February 11th, Sunny Corner Fire
Chief Murray Sherrard and Deputy Chief Dean Allison surprised Jillian and her
class with a pizza party. She also received a bag
filled with a fire extinguisher, smoke detector, talking Sparky the fire dog
and much more. Finally, she got to drive
around Sunny Corner in the front seat of the fire truck.
Thank you SCFD for making
Jillian’s day!
Staff and students celebrated the 100th Day of school today! Lots of fun games and activities are planned for the students. The staff also gets to have a great lunch today catered by the parents/ Home & School (Teacher Appreciation Week!) Thank you!!
On Wednesday February 12th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm students, staff, and parents will participate in Family Math Night. District Numeracy leads along with teachers will provide Math games for parents and students to play while focusing on specific outcomes at each grade level. It will be a "NUMEROUS" event so hope to see everyone out for some fun with numbers!
On Wednesday February 12th Mrs. Hendry's Kindergarten class will celebrate their 100th day of school. Congratulations to all our little ones on reaching the milestone of one hundred days. Everyone at NSEE is very proud of the hard work and committment put forth by all Kindergarten students. Keep up the hard work!!
February 10th - 14th is Staff Appreciation Week at NSEE. The NSEE Home & School Committee will be providing treats, lunch, and goodies throughout the week to all staff for their hard work in making NSEE students the best they can be!A big thank you to the Home & School for providing the extra special treats and to all the staff at North & South Esk Elementary School for their dedication and hard work!
On Friday February 7th, the Miramichi area and all schools in ASD-North will be celebrating "Miramichi Jersey Day". Students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite sports jersey to school in recognition to the official kickoff of the 2014 Winter Olympics.
NSEE Drama Students: Tomorrow is our first "Read Through" of our play "What a Knight"! Our first practice will be tomorrow after school (3:10-4:30) A schedule and script were sent home on Friday. It will be great if the kids could read through their parts before tomorrow. Thanks!!