On Wednesday June 14th NSEE hosted our annual grade 6 year end banquet. There were many students who received awards and certificates. A big congratulations to Haylee Williston who received the Mike Buggie Memorial Leadership Award for her hard work, determination, and willingness to make NSEE a great place to learn and grow. Congratulations Haylee!
On Monday June 5th the ASD-N Turnaround Awards were handed out to students who made a significant change for the better in their all around lives. NSEE is proud to name Andrew Spencer as the Turnaround winner for 2017. Congratulations Andrew. Well deserved!
The NSEE Grade 6 Banquet will take place on Wednesday June 14th in the school gymnasium beginning at 6:00 pm. The staff of NSEE would like to send out a big congratulations to all the grade 6 students as they begin the next chapter of their academic career. Way To Go Jr Cobras!
A big congratulations to grade 6 student Andrew Spencer who has been chosen as the 2017 Turnaround Achievement Winner for NSEE! Andrew has made significant changes and has become a leader and role model for younger students at the school. Great work Andrew!
The NSEE Fish Friends from Mrs. Silliker's grade 2 class are getting excited for the release of their salmon on June 8th. These fish will be released on the Little South West Branch of the Miramichi River. Great job grade 2 Silliker!
Parents are reminded that all tally sheets for the 2017 Bass Derby must be returned to the school by FridayMay 31st. Draws for the fishing prizes will take place at the school on Tuesday June 6th. Good luck Jr. Cobras!
As part of our Fishing Derby, NSEE is hosting an after school Bass Fishing Family Night on Wednesday May 24th at 6:30 pm at the Bill Schenkels homestead in Whitney. Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy an evening of fishing. Please see memo in "document" for details.
The ASD-N Archery Competition for Grades 4-8 students will take place on May 18th at Max Aitken Academy. Good luck to our Jr. Cobras who will be competing in the competition!
The NSEE Spell-A-Thon will wrap up this Friday May 12th. Students are asked to bring all pledge money and pledge sheets to school on Friday. Grade level spell-off will take place in each class on Friday. Good luck Jr Cobras!