Mrs. Henderson - Archived - 09/2017

Our New Adventure

Posted: September 28, 2016

Rock the Pattern!

Posted: September 28, 2016

Today was Pattern Day! We saw lots of great patterns. Keep looking around your house and in your closets for more patterns. We made some fun patterns using Fruit Loops today. What a yummy time we had! We tried to make a variety of different patterns such as AB (red, green), ABC (red, green, blue...

Posted: September 28, 2016

Posted: September 28, 2016

What a lot of words begin with the letter B b!  We heard lots when we read about bears and blew bubbles The Dixie Chicks think there is no better letter: is external) You may want to Boogie with the Story Bots: is external) Lots of B words in the B b Song: is external) We also made some beautiful bumblebees!

Posted: September 21, 2016

Peewee Penguin had a mystery P bag in our room! We found lots of P things in it - pennies, a purse, Peter Pan, Pooh Bear, pink paper, a pencil, a pen, a pine cone, and popcorn.  Our lips were popping all day! If you want that popping feeling say the /p/ words in this video: (link is external) Here is a fun penguin action song:

Posted: September 21, 2016

We had a great week learning about the letter Ff. The Zoophonics animal to go along with the letter is Francy Fish. We found lots of words that begin with the letter Ff. Some are body parts: feet, fingers, fist. We read lots of stories about animals that begin with the letter f (frogs, fish, foxes). Listen to the Storybots and see what /f/ words they found: (link is external)  Sesame Street has a funny Letter f video too: (link is external) Remember to keep practice printing the letter too!   

Posted: September 21, 2016

Fantastic Frogs! We made a little guessing game. Look at each picture and figure out who the frogs are, then look at the next picture to see if you are right. We had lots of fun with the letter Ff. Keep practicing it at home!

Posted: September 16, 2016

Rhyme Time

We have been rhyming each day in kindergarten and we are getting pretty good! Try to make rhyming a fun part of every day at home. Research shows that rhyming is a very important pre-skill for reading. As you are walking, driving or just hanging out say words in the environment and see if you and your child can come up with lots of real and silly words that rhyme. Also storytime is a perfect opportunity to find the rhyming words.  This link is to a great website with endless rhyming games. Enjoy!

Posted: September 16, 2016

Sammy the Snake came to our class today and brought his S box. Everything in it started with the /s/ sound! Can your child tell you some things that were in it? You may want to check out these fun links for Letter S videos: (link is external)

Posted: September 14, 2016

Letter M with the Storybots!

The children loved this song and wanted to play it again and again. Listen to it at home with Mom and Dad and see how many Mm words you can remember!


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Added: Sat, Sep 2 2017


Added: Wed, Apr 19 2017