Mrs. Hendry - Archived - 08/2013 Notes

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Posted: October 14, 2012

Wow that week went fast! Just enough time to finish with the Letters A and T, continue with rhyming and patterns. Did you child come home singing some silly songs? Here are the links so you can enjoy them together and reinforce the learning. I'm a Nut? I'm the letter T? Ants in Your pants? Our favorites this week were the pattern videos: Have fun!    

Posted: October 5, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! We had lots of fun reading stories and saying rhymes about turkeys escaping from Thanksgivng dinner. Can you guess we talked about the letter T this week? We also sang along with Raffi to "Thanks A Lot" and talked about the things we are thankful for. Family and pets ranked high. If you wish to sing the song, you can find it on You Tube - just look for Raffi and "Thanks A Lot".

Posted: September 29, 2012

Peewee Penquin and Penelope Pig have made our lips POP! this week! The children have been feeling the puff of air when they named things from Peewee's Mystery P Bag. Ask them to tell you some of the things that Peewee collected. Did you find a penny in their pocket? Ask them how it got there. The children were all ears for the story of the 3 Little Pigs. They helped with the "chinny, chin, chin" and "huffing and puffing" parts.

Posted: September 25, 2012

We have met Francy Fish! She is helping us hear the /f/ sound that we feel when our teeth are on our upper lip and air comes out. Ask your child to sing about Farmer Brown and the 5 Green Apples. He/she might also tell you what the frog had for lunch in one of our stories. We had fun making Fruit Loop necklaces - your child might like to do this at home too. Try making a pattern with the colours.

Posted: September 19, 2012

Today we learned about the letter S. We read  the book Silly Sally by Audrey Wood and sang "Shake My Sillies Out!" with Raffi. We made our mouth go "SSSS" while we moved our arm like Sammy Snake. We helped Sammy Snake fill his sock on the Smartboard too. Ask your child which word they said to earn their Smartie and where Sillly Sally was going. Ssssooo much fun! Don't forget the Starfall site has more fun for each letter.

Posted: September 15, 2012

And so begins the long school career - homework starts for kindergarten this week! Although some children have requested extensive assignments the first week will break them in easily with parent read alouds!

Posted: September 15, 2012

Thank you very much for the prompt return of the numerous magazine forms and book orders sent out recently. We have earned free books and magazine subscriptions for our class. This will improve the selection your child brings home nightly so we can all be happy!
