Mrs. Hendry - Archived - 08/2013 Notes

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Posted: February 3, 2013

We are learning even more sight words! This week we read the words "come", "to" and "said" in poems and books. Here are the links to some videos that can help reinforce the words. Remember, sight words are just that - words to be known instantly, not decoded. More exposure helps! We also had fun "Making Words" with the "an" base since "can" is a new sight word too. If we knew "an" we could just add a letter at the front to make a new word! We made words like "fan"and  "tan", and then added a "d" on the end and made even more words - "sand", "band", "hand"...exciting times in kindergarten! Have a look at this link and see if your child can read the words with the computer muted: Here is the fun Chicken Jane song that helped us with the "am" word base:

Posted: January 24, 2013

The wee mateys have enjoyed our lead up to Family Literacy Day activities. Here are some pirate links to enjoy together:

Posted: January 22, 2013

Take a moment to watch this cute video from Grover on Sesame Street and reinforce the message that we are special in our own unique way  - something we have been exploring in kindergarten.

Posted: January 22, 2013

We have been counting to five in all kinds of situations and taking a close look at combinations for numbers up to five. Here is a link to a site that uses five frames like we have in class: Try acting out this rhyme with your little monkey!

Posted: January 22, 2013

Wow! The children are learning more sight words and we are learning how knowing one word can help us read another word. If we can read "me" (which we can!) then we can read "we","he", "be", and even "she"! If we can read "at" we can read (and spell) "cat","hat","sat","fat", "bat" and "rat". Here is the link to our fun "at" song: Our new favorite - Chicken Jane - saves Scot and Dot from the acrobatic cat. Check it out. We have also covered the sight words: look and are (Argh! No video for this) Thanks, parents, for listening to the children read their little books each night - this is where they put their skills to use. Soon the books will have more words so the firm foundation is very important.

Posted: January 13, 2013

What a great first week back at school! The children seem to have grown over the holidays! They settled back into the routine easily and were eager to demonstrate that they retained their learning. We are finishing up our in-depth look at the alphabet and the letter sounds. We quacked for the letter Q and snoozed ("zzz") for Z. The lower case "q" is a tricky letter - sometimes the computer forgets to curl the tail and then it looks like a "g". Our new sight word is "go" but we also know "going" and "goes" because we have great eyes! We counted our 5 kittens in the sandbox and practiced making 5's too!  
Sesame has the counting videos where the  baker always falls down the steps with his creations for the numbers. The children laugh lots when this happens (and count lots before it happens!) Check out the site for lots of educational videos. The math ones can be found by selecting videos, then math and the age level.  

Posted: December 16, 2012

The children are getting lots of practice recognizing sight words. They are reading beginning books, playing sight word games and doing Smartboard activities.   Some fun things you can do at home to keep the words fresh over the Christmas break are: Spread salt or sugar on a cookie sheet and have your child make the words with their pointer finger. Of course, if you use sugar they can have a lick at the end of a word! Use the magnetic letters from the preschool kit and have the children play "Mix and Fix' on the fridge or a cookie sheet. They make the sight word and then they mix it up, repeating it several times and saying the letters and the final word as they "fix". Make the words with playdough (or real cookie dough!) Spray shaving foam or whipped cream on the counter and have your child trace out the word. Cut letters out of the flyers and glue them on a sheet of paper to make the sight words. "Rainbow Write" the words: the child (or you) makes the word with a pencil or marker. The child traces the word with several different colors to make a rainbow word. Write the words on separate pieces of paper, make sentences with them and have your child read the sentence. Mix in your family names to make it motivational and meaningful. Here is the list of sight words we have covered so far: I, my, Mom, Dad, is, here, am, see, the, little, big, a We plan to do In and on this week. Some of the children are picking up words like:  yes, no, happy, cat, dog  They may be fun to practice with too.

Posted: December 16, 2012

We are getting close to finishing our initial exploration of the alphabet - we covered letters x and y this week. Xavier Fox helped us with the sound for x. We discovered that x is not the first sound of very many words so we earned our Pixie Stixs by saying words with the x sound at the end. That was tricky! X makes the same sound as k and s together. The pouncing fox video generated squeals of excitement as the fox grabbed the mouse through the snow: The vintage Sesame Street video shows our feelings about x:   We found out how tricky the Letter Y is too! It makes the sound at the beginning of yak and yellow, but it also likes to copy the letter i and e! We will  be watching y closely!
Some parents have been asking for the tune to the song we are singing for the Christmas concert. Here is a link to where they sell the music - there is a place you can click on "listen" and it plays the middle part of the song. Here is a link to another class singing the same song on You Tube. Our actions are different but the words are the same.

Posted: December 13, 2012

Mrs. Colwell, NSEE's guidance teacher, visited our class today and read the children a story about a rabbit named Howard P. Wigglebottom. Howard learns that spending time with family and friends at Christmas warms your heart. There are lots of Howard books available free online - Howard learns lots about getting along with others. Here is the link for the main site - just click on "animated books" for the story:      

Posted: December 10, 2012

The first snow day for our kindergarten students! Here is a fun song by Eric Herman - play more carefully than the boy in this song!  

Posted: December 9, 2012

We have been doing lots of counting in kindergarten this week. The children loved cutting out pictures from old magazines to show sets of items up to 3. They may like to do this at home - flyers or the Christmas catalogue would work well too. Here is a fun video to watch while you search and cut! No wing flapping while you are holding the scissors!  
The children were eager to learn about elephants and rabbits this week (and the letter sounds for e and r too!) Ask your child if they remember the difference between African and Asian elephants.Which one is Mrs. Hendry riding in the picture? They may also remember why rabbits turn white in the winter. Of course, with Christmas getting so close, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer got some attention too. Check out our image gallery for pictures of the Rudolph craft.    

Posted: December 2, 2012

Ernie had fun with Cookie Monster in this video that shows more is not always better. In class, we counted cookies on the Smartboard and we practiced printing our numbers too! Look for the rhymes to help with number formation in your child's homework this week. Don't eat too many cookies while you are counting - save some for Santa!
