Posted: February 5, 2015
Mrs. Sullivan - Archived - 09/2015
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Posted: February 2, 2015
Close Call: An Addition Card Game
From: | 1/7/2015
What You Need:
• Deck of playing cards
• Paper
• Pencil
• 2 or more players
What You Do:
1. The dealer shuffles the deck and deals 4 cards to each player, who turns them face up.
2. Players try to rearrange their cards and make number pairs that when added
together come close to 100. For example, the cards 5, 1, 4, 9, can be arranged to create two
larger numbers: 51 and 49. When added together 51 and 49 equal 100.
3. When everyone's ready, they should share their final numbers.
Whoever is closest to 100 wins a point .
The player with the most points at the end wins.
By Ellen Dean and William L. Gaslin, Charles Lund, & Martin M. Gaslin
Posted: January 30, 2015
Posted: January 29, 2015
Posted: January 28, 2015
Posted: January 26, 2015
Hoedown Practice
Posted: January 26, 2015
Posted: January 22, 2015
Posted: January 21, 2015
Posted: January 20, 2015