Mrs. Sullivan - Archived - 09/2015 Notes

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Posted: September 10, 2015

We have Gym every second day from 2:00-3:00,and Mr. Henderson is our Gym Teacher this year. Because of time restrictions, we are encouraging students to wear comfy clothes on Gym days,rather than bringing a change of clothing.

Posted: September 10, 2015

We love to read in 3S! Today I sent home the monthly Scholastic Book Order forms with your child. I always have students note the due date for bringing in their order in their agenda. (Generally, it's one week from when I hand out the booklets.) Students can order from any booklet that I send home. Payment can be made with cash or cheques made out to Scholastic Canada. Just clip out the order sheet(from the back of each booklet),  clearly indicate your child's choices, and put your payment and order form in a sealed envelope or baggie. Note that prices differ depending on your province. Orders usually arrive in 1-2 weeks.

Posted: September 10, 2015

Hello parents,Just a little heads-up note to let you know about our homework routine. Your child will be using an agenda to record their homework in, and we set aside a dedicated time every day when we do this. Our class is doing a super job so far getting used to copying down their homework, and we pack this agenda in the black zippered case you'll find in their backpack...(we call it their Banana Bag!) Can you please check the agenda nightly, and initial or sign in the space on the right of that day's date? Please also be aware that I usually get the students to put notices and papers in the clear page protector at the front of the agenda. This is also a great place to put any notes you may have for me!

Posted: September 7, 2015

    Welcome to 3Sullivan! I’ve got my first day outfit ready, my pencil sharpened, and my classroom looks super! I can’t wait to meet my lovely new students! When you arrive tomorrow, I’ll be waiting at my door. Don’t forget your lunch, and bring a pair of indoor sneakers to keep at school. See you tomorrow!   

Posted: June 11, 2015

We had an awesome field trip today and I didn't assign any homework. I asked the kids to keep their "banana bags" at school (with their agendas.) Just wanted to give parents a heads-up if you were looking for them. Also, because of a travelling time crunch, we had to skip our ice cream treat.I will be giving the kids their ice cream tomorrow at noon, instead.Looks like a nice day tomorrow, so it'll likely be a cool dessert!  

Posted: April 20, 2015

Today we discussed the Miramichi Salmon Association contest in class, which is an optional activity for our class to do.  There are three possible ways to enter: 1. poster2. printing/writing3. short story/poemDetails for the contest rules can be found on the next two links on this page. 

Posted: February 27, 2015

For the March Break, students are asked to read as often as they can.The first day back is Monday, March 9. Skating starts on Tuesday, March 10, so get your gear ready! All students must have a helmet.Student Agendas and sneakers were kept at the school for the break.Sleep in when you can! Hope everyone has a great break!

Posted: February 24, 2015

Posted: February 18, 2015

EQUIPMENT Playing cards Ace (= 1) through 9   GETTING STARTED Shuffle deck and place in pile face down. Players take turns turning over top 3 cards from deck, adding total of cards in their head as they are turned over. First person to say correct total wins the three cards. They make their own “captured” pile. Play continues until all of the cards on deck pile are played. Winner is player with the most captured cards. Alternate method to deal cards: One player turns over three cards quickly in a row from top of deck.
