Posted: September 26, 2014
Mrs. Hendry - Archived - 09/2015
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Posted: September 26, 2014
Rhyme Time with Professor Garfield!
Need more rhyming practice? Here you go!
Posted: September 26, 2014
Peewee Penguin had a mystery P bag in our room! We found los of P things in it - pennies, a purse, Peter Pan, Pooh Bear, pink paper, a pencil, a pen, a pine cone, and popcorn. Our lips were popping all day!If you want that popping feeling say the /p/ words in this video: is a fun penguin song that we watched too: also enjoyed listening to the story of the three Little Pigs. Maybe your child will want to huff and puff at home too!
Posted: September 22, 2014
Now that we know lots about sorting in math class we are moving into our patterning section. You may want to check out this You Tube link for a collection of pattern videos: will be making patterns with sound, pictures and real life objects.
Posted: September 22, 2014
Allie Alligator came to the apple farm with us because she begins with the letter A. Today we learned how to make an upper case A and a lower case a. Check out this link for the song that helps us with Allie's sound: We liked the Story Bots "Horray for A" song too: You may enjoy this cute apple song:
Posted: September 19, 2014
Posted: September 18, 2014
We had a fantastic fun this week finding things that started with the letter F f !Francy Fish is the Zoophonics animal that starts with /f/. Your child may want to show you how they can draw a fish.
We noticed
that our bodies had things that started with F: fingers, feet and face. We
found /f/ foods in our snacks: Fruit and fish. We heard F words as we did our
calendar: four, five and Friday
Listen to the
Story Bots; they found some /f/ words too: Frog also starts with F so we read about how tadpoles turn into frogs and watched Kermit dance:
Posted: September 12, 2014
Sammy Snake is our Zoophonics animal that helps us with the sound for the letter S. Check out these videos that will get you and your child hearing that sound everywhere! yes to S with the Story Bots:
Posted: September 12, 2014
We have already started learning letters in kindergarten! Missy Mouse came to visit and we found lots of things that start with the "mmm" sound in her Mm box: marshmallows, a monkey, mittens ans so much more! Can your child tell you some other /m/ things? Ask them what they wore under their nose at story time.If they are stuck take a look at these videos - have fun pressing your lips together! the "Story Bots":
Posted: September 12, 2014
Did you ever have a time when you couldn't make a rhyme?
We are learning to rhyme! The above link will take you to a fun rhyming activity web page.The children have enjoyed the song "Down By the Bay"! . Here are links to a few versions: of their favorite rhyming songs - Eric Herman singing "Ants in Your Pants":