Mr. Daley - Archived 09/2022

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: January 14, 2022

Friday’s assignments are:


·         Complete Friday’s math worksheet in the Home Learning Package.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Log onto Zorbit’s for 30 minutes.


·         Ce que j’aime a l’école – Write a journal entry about what you like about school. Below is an example to help the students get started.


Il y a beaucoup de choses que j’aime à mon école.  Premièrement, j’aime que je peux passer du temps chaque journée avec mes amis.  Nous pouvons jouer plusieurs de jeux dehors sur le terrain de jeu. C’est vraiment amusant.  Ensuite, j’aime que nous apprendrons à propos beaucoup de sujet intéressant. Maintenant notre classe étudie à propos de les roches et les minéraux. Mon activité préférée dans la salle de classe est la lecture silencieuse.  J’adore lire des livres de Harry Potter. Finalement mon sujet préférée est le gymnase, parce que j’aime beaucoup les sports.


·         Lis et colorie: Read the passage two times. Afterwards, color the picture using the information from the text.

**If students do not have any coloring crayons, they can label picture by writing the color for each item.

·         Silent reading/Je lis, je lis (10-15 minutes in French & 10-15 minutes in English)

Due Date: 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Posted: January 13, 2022

Thursday’ s assignments are:



·         Complete Thursday’s math worksheet in the Home Learning Package.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Log onto Zorbit’s for 25 minutes.


·         Je me présente – Write a journal entry introducing yourself. Students should include information like their name/age/physical traits/personality traits/things that they enjoy doing/etc,  Below is a sample mine to help the students get started.


Je m’appelle M. Daley et j’ai 30 ans. J’habite à Miramichi.  J’ai les cheveux courts et bruns. Mes yeux son bleus et je porte des lunettes. Je suis gentil et poli à tout le monde.  J’aime jouer au ballon panier avec mes amis pendant mon temps libre. Aussi, j’adore les animaux.  Mon animal préféré est un lion parce qu’un lion est le roi de la jongle.


·         Silent reading/Je lis, je lis (20 minutes)

·         Below is a link for students to watch from our grade 3 unit discussing habitats.


Grade 3 – Read “Grama’s Hobby” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Grade 4 – Read “Birds eat bugs” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Due Date: 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Posted: January 12, 2022

Wednesday’ s assignments are:



·         Complete the second math worksheet in the Home Learning Package.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Log onto Zorbit’s for 25 minutes.



·         Lis et colorie: Read the passage about Emma the cowgirl” two times. Afterwards, color the picture using the information from the text. 

**If students do not have any coloring crayons,  they can label picture by writing the color for each item.

·         Mots frequent : Choose 3 words and write a sentence for each.

*If you are looking for additional work, students can write more than 3 sentences.

·         Silent reading/Je lis, je lis (20 minutes)

·         Below is a link for students to watch related to our grade 4 unit on Rocks and Minerals

Due Date: 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Posted: January 11, 2022

Tuesday’s assignments are:



·         Complete the first worksheet in the Home Learning Package. 

·         Log onto Zorbit’s for 20 minutes.



·         Read the Passage with “Benoit Oiseau”(page 2) two times. Afterwards, go through the passage again and underline/circle any words with the “oi” sounds.

·         Mots frequent (page 3) : Rewrite each word 3 times.

·         Silent reading/Je lis, je lis (20 minutes)

Due Date: 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Posted: November 17, 2021

Student Survey

Posted: November 12, 2021

Friday, November 12, 2021

Today’s assignments:


Grade 3’s

Students are looking at estimating addition equations in today’s lesson.

·         Complete pages 42-43

Grade 4’s

·         Complete worksheet pages 38-39


French (3’s and 4’s)

·         Silent reading/Je Lis Je Lis (20 minutes)

·         Complete «Les parties de la plante »

**Students can either cut out the words and glue and them in the correct spot or just write the answer in the box.



Grade 3’s

Read the passage “Natural Stuff” and answer the comprehension questions.

Grade 4’s

Read the passage “Hands in Clay Dough” and answer the comprehension questions.


Have a great weekend,


Mr. Daley

Due Date: 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Posted: November 10, 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Today’s assignments:


Grade 3’s

·         Read the review on page 40 and complete pages 40-41 (addition and subtraction)

·         Zorbits or (20 minutes)

Grade 4’s

·         Read the review on page 36. Complete pages 36-37


French (3’s and 4’s)

·         Reread “Ma Vie”

·         Unscramble the words and rewrite the sentences on the following page. (Ans/ici/cette, etre/vieux, petites)

·         Read “Au Champ d’Honneur” 2 times.


ELA (3’s and 4’s)

·         Read “In Flanders Fields” and answer the 3 questions on the following page.

·         Color the picture of the poppy and cross.

**I have also included additional Remembrance Day worksheets in their package.  Students are welcome to complete the activities as well.


Thank you,


Mr. Daley


Due Date: 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Posted: November 9, 2021

Good Morning,


Starting today, students will be working out of their Home Learning Packages.  I will post in the Facebook Group as well as my Teacher’s Page on the NSEE website each morning what students should be working on.  The grade 3’s and 4’s will be working on different worksheets for Math and some ELA based on curriculum outcomes. I have also provided new French and English books for students to read.


Grade 3’s

·         Complete 2-digit addition worksheet

·         Complete page 38 worksheet (addition & subtraction)

Grade 4’s

·         Complete the multiplication worksheets (5 pages)

French (3’s and 4’s)

·         Read the “Ma Vie” passage 2 times.

·         Review the Mots Fréquents list on the following page.

·         Unscramble the words and rewrite the sentences on the following page. (Autour, petit/pour, cet)

**Students can refer to the “Ma Vie” passage if they need to to help them rewrite the sentences as the answers come directly from that reading.

·         Silent reading or Je Lis Je Lis (15 minutes)



Grade 3’s

Read the passage “Birds Eat Bugs” and answer the follow-up questions.

Grade 4’s

Read the passage “Grama’s Hobby” and answer the follow-up questions.

**If students wish to read a novel instead of the reading comprehension, that is fine too.


Have a wonderful day,

Mr. Daley

Due Date: 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Posted: November 8, 2021

Good Morning everyone,

Here is Monday’s assignments.  Home Learning packages for the rest of the week will be ready for pick-up between 1pm – 4pm today.


·         Zorbits (35 minutes)

·         31 Scratch


·         Je Lis Je Lis (20 minutes)

·         Unscramble and rewrite the following sentences:

1)      pupitre le cahier violet dans le est

2)      devant la grenouille la est tortue verte

3)      cochon rose la poule le est àdroite de


Silent reading (15 minutes)

Journal Writing : If I could only eat one food the rest of my life, it would be …


Have a great day,


Mr. Daley

Due Date: 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Posted: November 5, 2021

Good morning,

Today’s assignments are:


·         Zorbits (35 minutes)


·         Complete the following word problems

1)      Ryker distribue 48 journaux le matin et 25 journaux l’après-midi. Combien Ryker distribue-t-il de journaux en tout?


Ryker distribue __________ journaux en tout.


2)      Asher a vu 13 mouches, 57 guêpes et 7 maringouins. Combien Asher a-t-il vu d’insectes en tout?


Asher a vu _________ insects en tout.


·         Je Lis Je Lis (20 minutes)


·         Unscramble and rewrite the following sentences

1.       peut se un crocodile cacher l’eau sous.

2.       un arbre dans peut se un serpent camoufler.

3.       dans le sable camouflent ce certains serpents.

English Language Arts

·         15-20 minutes of silent reading


·         Journal Writing 

If you could spend one day doing anything you want, what would you do?

Due Date: 

Friday, November 5, 2021
