Mr. Daley - Archived 09/2022

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: January 28, 2022

Friday’s assignments:



·         Students can start with “Message du matin” dated for Thursday, January 27th. They are to read the passage and fill in the blanks using the words in the rectangle above.

·         Mon meilleure ami – Write a journal entry about your best friend. 

·         Je lis, je lis or silent reading for 20 minutes.



·         Complete coin counting worksheets (2 pages).

·         If students did not complete all the questions from Tuesday’s mental math worksheet, they can work on the remaining questions for 10 minutes.

·         Go on Zorbits for 30 minutes.



·         Read “The Chattering Corvette” and answer the questions below.

Due Date: 

Friday, January 28, 2022

Posted: January 27, 2022

Good morning,


Wednesday’s assignments:



·         Students can start with “Message du matin” dated for Thursday, January 27th. They are to read the passage and fill in the blanks using the words in the rectangle above.

·         C’est l’hiver – Draw a picture of what you like to do in the winter. Then write a couple sentences at the bottom describing your picture.

·         Je lis, je lis or silent reading for 20 minutes.



·         Complete coin counting worksheets (2 pages).

·         If students did not complete all the questions from Tuesday’s mental math worksheet, they can work on the remaining questions for 10 minutes.

·         Go on Zorbits for 30 minutes.



·         Silent Reading for 15 minutes

Due Date: 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Posted: January 26, 2022

Wednesday’s assignments:



·         Students can start with “Message du matin”  dated for Wednesday, January 26th. They are to read the passage and fill in the blanks using the words in the rectangle above.

·         L’hiver chez moi – Write a sentence for each bubble about what you like, where, eat, drink and see in the winter. 

·         Je lis, je lis or silent reading for 20 minutes.



·         Complete coin counting worksheet & Skip counting by 10’s (2 pages).

·         If students did not complete all the questions from Tuesday’s mental math worksheet, they can work on the remaining questions for 10 minutes.

·         Go on Zorbits for 30 minutes.


·         Read “Ralph Pulls Up Stakes” and answer the questions below.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Posted: January 25, 2022

Good morning,


·         Students can start with “Message du matin”  dated for Tuesday, January 25th. They are to read the passage and fill in the blanks using the words in the rectangle above.

·         Mots Fréquents – Choose 5 words and write a sentence for each. 

·         Je lis, je lis or silent reading for 20 minutes.



·         Complete addition practice worksheets (2 pages).

·         Mental Math worksheet – students can complete as many questions as they can in 10 minutes.

·         Go on Zorbits for 30 minutes.


·         Silent reading in their English book(10-15 minutes)

Due Date: 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Posted: January 24, 2022

Good morning,


·         Students can start with “Message du matin”  dated for Monday, January 24th. They are to read the passage and fill in the blanks using the words in the rectangle above.

·         Read “Ressemblances et différences” and rewrite les mots fréquents times each on the next page.

·         Je lis, je lis or silent reading for 20 minutes.



Count by 25’s worksheets (3 pages)

Go on Zorbits for 25 minutes.

Due Date: 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Posted: January 21, 2022

Friday’s assignments are:


·         Complete Friday’s math worksheet.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Play one round of 31 scratch and then log onto Zorbits for 20 minutes


·         Read “Les Trois Types De Roches”

·         Silent reading/ Je lis, je lis (20 minutes)


·         Read “Hands in the Clay Dough” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Due Date: 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Posted: January 20, 2022

Thursday’s assignments are:


·         Complete Thursday’s math worksheet.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Play one round of 31 scratch and then log onto Zorbits for 20 minutes


·         Silent reading/ Je lis, je lis (20 minutes)

·         Use the link below to watch the video on ecosystems



·         Grade 3 – Read “Hands in the Clay Dough” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

·         Grade 4 – Read “Natural Stuff” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Due Date: 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Posted: January 19, 2022

Wednesday’s assignments are:


·         Complete Wednesday’s math worksheet on telling time.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Log onto Zorbit’s for 30 minutes.


·         Mon sport préféré – Write a journal entry about your favorite game.  Students should describe the game and what they like about it. Below is an example to assist students.


J’aime beaucoup les sports mais mon sport préféré est le ballon panier.  J’aime le ballon panier pour plusieurs raisons.  Premièrement, le ballon panier est une très bonne forme d’exercice et c’est amusant au même temps.  Ensuite, c’est un sport que tu peux jouer avec les autres sur une équipe.  C’est aussi une autre façon de rencontrer avec tes amis pour jouer ensemble.  Finalement, j’aime aussi de regarder le ballon panier sur la télévision.  Mon équipe préférée sont les Toronto Raptors.  Ce sont toutes les raisons pourquoi le ballon panier est mon sport préféré.

·         Silent reading/Je lis, je lis

·         Below is a link for students to watch from our grade 4 unit discussing Rocks and Minerals.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Posted: January 18, 2022

Tuesday’s assignments are:


·         Complete Tuesday’s math worksheet on telling time.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Log onto Zorbit’s for 30 minutes.


·         Mon jeu préféré – Write a journal entry about your favorite game.  Students should describe the game and what they like about it. Below is an example to assist students.


Mon jeu préféré est le jeu de cache cache.  J’aime ce jeu parce que c’est vraiment amusant quand je me cache et mes amis ne peux pas me trouver.    Le jeu de cache cache c’est aussi bon pour la santé parce que tu dois faire de l’exercise au même temps.  Tu peux jouer ce jeu à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur mais je préfère de jouer à l’extérieur parce que j’aime courir et cacher dehors avec les autres.  Je joue cache cache chaque fin de semaine avec mes amis.  


·         Mots Fréquents – Choose 5 words and write a sentence for each

·         Silent reading/Je lis, je lis

·         Below is a link for students to watch from our grade 3 unit discussing plants.

Due Date: 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Posted: January 17, 2022

Monday’s assignments are:


·         Complete Monday’s math worksheet on telling time.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Log onto Zorbit’s for 30 minutes.


·         Lis et colorie: Read the passage two times. Afterwards, color the picture using the information from the text.

**If students do not have any coloring crayons, they can label picture by writing the color for each item.

·         Mots Fréquents – Write each word 3 times

·         Silent reading/Je lis, je lis

·         Below is a link for students to watch from our grade 3 unit discussing plants.



Due Date: 

Monday, January 17, 2022
