Thursday, January 13th, 2022

Posted: January 13, 2022

Due Date: 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thursday’ s assignments are:



·         Complete Thursday’s math worksheet in the Home Learning Package.  I put the date on the top of the page.

·         Log onto Zorbit’s for 25 minutes.


·         Je me présente – Write a journal entry introducing yourself. Students should include information like their name/age/physical traits/personality traits/things that they enjoy doing/etc,  Below is a sample mine to help the students get started.


Je m’appelle M. Daley et j’ai 30 ans. J’habite à Miramichi.  J’ai les cheveux courts et bruns. Mes yeux son bleus et je porte des lunettes. Je suis gentil et poli à tout le monde.  J’aime jouer au ballon panier avec mes amis pendant mon temps libre. Aussi, j’adore les animaux.  Mon animal préféré est un lion parce qu’un lion est le roi de la jongle.


·         Silent reading/Je lis, je lis (20 minutes)

·         Below is a link for students to watch from our grade 3 unit discussing habitats.


Grade 3 – Read “Grama’s Hobby” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

Grade 4 – Read “Birds eat bugs” and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.