Mrs. Henderson - Archived 09/2022 Notes

Welcome to our grade 1 class for the 2021-2022 school year!


Posted: November 8, 2021

Good morning!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. This week's Home Learning package will be available for pick-up today between 1:00-4:00. In the meantime if you would like to get a start on today's work, remember some things are consistent. Your child can begin by reading their "read the words" books for 15 minutes, playing Squiggle Park and DreamBox. I am also attaching a document with some Remembrance Day activities. As always, it's a great idea to check out the links on our page for math concepts that need to be reviewed (counting, subitizing, days of the week and months of the year, and number words). 

I look forward to seeing you all this afternoon!

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Posted: November 5, 2021

Good morning!

I have attached today's learning activities below. I have changed things up a bit today. It should be a fun day for the students as they love patterns and hands-on experiments!

Hopefully we are back in class together on Monday! Have a great weekend.

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Posted: November 4, 2021

Good morning!

I hope that you had a chance to have fun with rocks yesterday! If you didn't, it's not too late. Take some time this weekend and try yesterday's activities and post some pictures for us to see.

Today brings lots of learning fun! Try our new math card game and have fun with music! Remember to read for 15 minutes everyday, it's a great reason to snuggle up with someone special.

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Posted: November 3, 2021

Good morning!

Please find below our work for today. It's not a day that the kids will want to miss! I have posted a link to a really cute story and great follow-up activities. I hope that you have fun with it and I can't wait to see some pictures! As always, send me a message if you have any concerns.

Have a great day!

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Posted: November 2, 2021

Good morning!

I hope that everyone was able to take part in our Home Learning activities yesterday. I am posting the new work for today. It is much the same as yesterday. I will try to keep it as straight-forward as possible as I realize that parents are very busy. Most of the assigned work students are able to do independently. They really just need to be prompted to do it. I suggest allowing them a movement break between each activity. At school I provide a movement/brain break approximately every 10 minutes. At school this break ranges from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. At home you can make the break longer and spread the learning activities throughout the day if that works best for you and your child. I believe you will find that breaks make your child much more cooperative and productive! :)


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Posted: November 1, 2021

Good morning!

I am sorry that we can't be at school together today. I would love to hear about all of your Halloween adventures last night! Thanks to those who posted pictures on our Facebook group! I'm looking forward to reading your stories about Halloween.

I am posting a document that describes activities that I would like your child to do today as part of their Home Learning. I understand that many parents still have to work, so please do what you can. I tried to include activities that your child will enjoy but can also do independently. Remember when using Squiggle Park and DreamBox it is important NOT to help your child. It will impact what the program believes they can do. The amount of parental support is not much more than expected on a regular homework night. Writing is something they have not been required to do at home before but it's expected that they are fairly independent. Keep in mind that at school there is one adult to 14 students. Please do not spell words for them. Our philosophy is "do your best and keep going". They can use the alphabet chart in their homework to help them find letter sounds they are unsure of.

If you have any questions or concerns send me a message. I will be available everyday from 8:00 - 3:30.  Have a great day!

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