Mrs. Hendry - Archived - 09/2016 Notes

Keep checking back for class pictures and learning links!


Posted: December 9, 2015

We have been singing this Christmas version of the BINGO song - of course it has the name of our favorite man in the red suit - Santa! is external) We will also sing Santa's counting song! is external)  

Posted: December 9, 2015

Xavier Fox is our Zoophonics animal for the letter X. We could not find many words that start with X, but we could write some with X at the end! Ask your child to spell fox, box, fix, six, ax, and ox - I bet they can do it! Challenge them with the word EXIT. We did watch a cool video of a fox pouncing on its prey: is external) And some silly foxes jumping on a trampoline: is external) This man on  Sesame Street had the same problem we did -finding words that start with x: is external)    Don't forget the Storybots!

Posted: December 8, 2015

Mrs. Hendry purchased the Otis The Tractor book series from the book order but before we can read An Otis Christmas, we need to read the other titles that happened first. As I was checking the order of the books I came across the Otis webpage. You may want to check it out with your child - it has things like author interviews, games and activities. Here is the link: I am sure you will like Otis - he is really kind and the books have beautiful illustrations.

Posted: December 7, 2015

Check out this Story Bot video - every question has an answer that starts with Q! is external) This Sesame Street character tried to make an upper case Q but he has a few problems: is external) Lower case q is tricky - sometimes it has a curl on the tail, but sometimes it doesn't! is external) Our zoophinics animal for the letter q is Queeny Quail. Here is video of a real quail: is external) We also learned that q is very shy - it always needs it friend u right beside it: is external)

Posted: December 4, 2015

Parents have noticed from the homework that we have started learning sight words. Knowing these words automatically will be important as we start reading. Many of the words can be reinforced by videos produced by "Have Fun Teaching" found on You Tube. Here are some links to some words we are learning: is: I: am: Some students may remember these from when we did their first letter: go: up: Feel free to check out more (big smile!).

Posted: December 1, 2015

We have been counting and acting out counting songs with our classmates and our fingers. Here are a few you may want to check out at home: See if your child can count how many are gone; how many are left; and how many there are altogether.

Posted: December 1, 2015

Grade one has lots of words to spell with the /sh/ sound this week. Here are some fun videos for extra learning!

Posted: December 1, 2015

Check out these videos for some subtracting fun! Don't forget to go to the Web Links section - Grade 1 math and play with some of the subtracting sections!

Posted: December 1, 2015

We have been using our "Magic Word Maker" in class. These videos will show you how we added the letter e and blend the letter sounds to make words:

Posted: December 1, 2015

We have seen the letter e everywhere! Our Zoophonics animal is Ellie Elephant so we read an elephant information book and watched a few video clips to learn about these enormous animals. We wished we lived close to the zoo so we could ride on an elephant (like Mrs. Hendry and her granddaughter Annabelle did!). Here is the link for the E Story Bot song: And Ellie friend Eddie's egg song: We didn't get a chance to watch this Hap Palmer Elephant song video yet, but you may want to check it out with your child: Have an Excellent evening!
Yes - it's the letter Rr! Wow! We heard and found the letter r all over the place! Check out these rabbit videos: We read a story about Rudolph and sang the song too: You might laugh at Little Rabbit Foo Foo: Don't forget the StoryBots!

Posted: November 25, 2015

Did you know there really are Umbrella Birds?! Check out these videos: An actual Umbrella Bird: The Umbrella Bird song: We learned that the Letter U is a "Hard Worker" - it makes 2 sounds - the sound at the start of umbrella and its letter name. Hear them both when the Story Bots sing "Unstoppable U": We used the letter U in our "magic word maker" and we made and read some of these words:

Posted: November 19, 2015

We celebrated our writing progress by having a publishing party and sharing our writing with Mrs. Henderson's class. Check out our pictures on her page:

Posted: November 19, 2015

We are having a great time with the letter H! It was a great day for hockey jerseys! Here are the links the children wanted you to know about: Story Bots: I am h-a-p-p-y song: Sesame Street H videos (vintage but hilarious!): If there is a rainy day this weekend you may want to make a paper hat:

Posted: November 19, 2015

This video shows how you can use your hand to make a bed and that helps think about the direction for the letters. Cool!
