Mrs. Hendry - Archive - 08/2014 Notes

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Posted: November 4, 2013

We have been comparing amounts (dogs/balls; jack-o-lanterns/candles...) and using the terms more, fewer and the same amount. Check out this link with your child to have some fun with the terms at home:  

Posted: November 4, 2013

We started Lizzie Lizard's Letter L today! We found some lizard books to read so we can find out what lizards eat. We think they like bugs but we are not sure if they like leaves and lollipops. Be sure to ask your child when they come home from school tomorrow. You may want to watch these videos too. The children love them!

Posted: November 4, 2013

We heard lots of words that started with the /j/ sound! In our class, we had no students with names starting with J! We thought of lots of our friends and family  who do have a J though - just like the Sesame Street crew: We practiced making the letter J - both the upper case that stands on the line and the lower case that looks like a fish hook hanging in the water. We used our whiteboards but this child used Lego!

Posted: November 1, 2013

Nigel Night Owl introduced us to the Letter N this week. Here is the link to the N Story Bot video: We took a good look at the word "no" this week too: We also discussed that owls are nocturnal animals - they hunt at night.

Posted: October 24, 2013

Halloween is a great time to learn about the letter V too! There was a cute vampire on our door this morning and the children could read his speeech bubble as they walked in...."I am a vampire". Of course we had to read about bats and vampire bats. We found out they are not as scary as we thought! Can your child tell you what they learned? We found lots of other words that start with /v/ too. Grover has lots in this video: One of the favorite V words was volcano: And we can't forget the Story Bots:

Posted: October 24, 2013

We had a great time this week changing our names to names that started with W. Mrs. Hendry used her W wand and the children were great at substituting the first sound in their name. Wonderful! Our Zoophonics animal is Willie Weasel but since it is so close to Halloween we had to talk abot Wanda Witch too! Check ou this video; did you notice the weasel? The children laughed at the antics of the letter W with Kermit The Frog: The Letter W was tricky getting away from the Detective. How did he get away?

Posted: October 16, 2013

We have had so much fun finding, extending and building patterns! It’s time to celebrate! Please wear or bring something that has a pattern to school Friday – a shirt, a pair of socks, maybe something for your hair….  If you can’t find something feel free to draw a picture. Here is a website with a patterning game to help you celebrate at home:    

Posted: October 16, 2013

Gordo Gorilla was hiding in the fancy G g bag! Ask your child what else was in there. Did they remember the gum? the Groovy girl with the gold necklace? the garbage can? the ghost with a guitar wearing glasses? Good for them! Check out the gorilla song that taught us interesting gorilla facts: We are going to learn about the word go tomorrow and watch this video: Don't feed them too many Gummy Bears or you may need to do this dance to wear it off!: I also read them a few stories with a ghost - Halloween is coming!    

Posted: October 4, 2013

The Kindergarten Kids heard lots of /k/ words - kangaroo, kitten, kite, kettle, kitchen.... while we learned about kangaroos. Story Bots: Kangaroo videos: Ask them about their K treats. We even had a visit from the Ketchup Man! We also talked about being kind - here is a link to the video for the Try Some Kindness song:

Posted: October 2, 2013

We had a terrific time tapping our teeth with our tongue for the letter t! We ate Teddy Grahams (toes, tummies and even their teeth), made Timmy Tiger puppets, and sang our T-shirt song. I hope your child could explain about the masking tape T when they got home! The children are even able to hear the /t/ sound in the middle and at the end of words! Great ears! You may want to make time for T with these videos: With Thanksgiving getting close we also heard a  funny story about turkeys. Ask your child what the turkeys did to trick the farmers.

Posted: September 27, 2013

With all those apples around this week we had to do the letter A! The Allie Alligator puppet was a favorite craft. This song really helps us with the /a/ sound that the letter A and Allie Alligator make: Here is the Hooray for A Story Bots link: Hardworking Letter A also makes the sound of its letter name - A as in acorn. Here is a link to our funny acorn song:      
Peewee Penguin had a mystery P bag in our room! We found los of P things in it - pennies, a purse, Peter Pan, Pooh Bear, pink paper, a pencil, a pen, a pine cone, popcorn and pretzels. Mrs. Hendry found some things in the garden that started with P too - a pumpkin, a potato and a parsnip! Our lips were popping all day! If you want that popping feeling say the /p/ words in this video: Here is a fun penguin song that we watched too: We also enjoyed listening to the story of the three Little Pigs and then acting it out. Maybe your child will want to huff and puff at home too!

Posted: September 19, 2013

Rhyming is an important pre-reading skill but it is also lots of fun! We have been rhyming since the first day of kindergarten - listening to rhyming stories, playing rhyming games and singing rhyming songs. Here are links to two versions of our newest song, Down By the Bay : How many silly verses can you and your child create? This link is for an interactive site where your child can have some more rhyming fun:

Posted: September 19, 2013

We had a fantastic fun this week finding things that started with the letter F f ! Francy Fish is the Zoophonics animal that starts with /f/. Your child may want to show you how they can draw a fish. We noticed that our bodies had things that started with F: fingers, feet and face. We found /f/ foods in our snacks: Fruit and fish. We heard F words as we did our calendar: four, five and Friday.   Listen to the Story Bots; they found some /f/ words too: Frog also starts with F so we read about how tadpoles turn into frogs and watched Kermit dance:

Posted: September 13, 2013

Silly Sammy Snake came to our class today! He was hiding in an S sack with lots of things that start with S -even a skunk! We watched this video of Sammy too: The Story Bots said Yes to S! in this video: Don't forget to stay home on S days: Saturday and Sunday. Have a great weekend!
