Week 5 Home Learning Grade 5 Math

Posted: May 4, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 5 of Home Learning.  I hope everyone is doing well!

Just a quick reminder that this is the week we go to the school to pick up personal belongings.  Please check the schedule for Tuesday.  It was certainly  an interesting experience to clean out 21 desks in my math classroom...some of them were very tidy and some of them I was frightened to put my hand inside!  I would love to see their rooms.

I was able to send home a duo tang of math work so no need to find extra sheets for them to do.  I will reference these sheets in my weekly plan.  I also sent home a fact sheet (second page).  A great idea is to use this sheet to highlight the facts your child still needs to study.

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to Shayla.mutch@nbed.nb.ca

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :)  

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