Week 4 Home Learning Grade 5 Math

Posted: April 27, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are now going into Week 4 of Home Learning.  I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weekend!

I hope your Home Learning is going well.  Remember if you are not able to do any of the suggested learning opportunities, this is a great time to focus on nailing your multiplication and division facts from 0 to 9.

Please send me an email if you have any questions or suggestions to Shayla.mutch@nbed.nb.ca or tell your child to send me a message.  They know how to do it on Office 365.   I miss them!

Take care and be safe!

Shayla Mutch :) 

Please see the printable Word document for Week 3 Home Learning.

Here are the links from the document for easy access:

Multiplication:  www.multiplication.com


Review:  https://www.abcya.com/games/number_ninja_multiples


New Concepts: http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/me5l/html/Math5.html  

 Fun Stuff: https://www.splashlearn.com/fraction-games?adCampaign=9925160323&adGroup=103181786849&adID=432351970063&adTag=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIj8D2rLGB6QIVghHTCh1x_AscEAEYASAAEgJeIPD_BwE&ipad_blocker_disabled=1


Comparing  Decimals Review:    https://www.k5learning.com/worksheets/math/grade-3-compare-decimals-a.pdf

Adding Decimals:  https://www.k5learning.com/worksheets/math/grade-3-adding-decimals-in-columns-1-digit-a.pdf

Subtracting Decimals:  https://www.k5learning.com/worksheets/math/grade-3-subtracting-decimals-in-columns-1-digit-a.pdf

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