Mrs. Sullivan - Archive - 09/2012

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 15, 2011

Dear Parents, The school year has started and with the new year brings a new task. We wanted to tell you about our Accelerated Reader,(or AR)  program.All students need to read at least 5 books this term, or one book a month at our level. It should be a good fit book. Students have to read the book, take the test, and successfully pass the test for it to count. Last night we sent home an AR contract for parents to sign and return with the details.Good luck to all students and have a nice year reading!

Posted: September 13, 2011

Hi Parents, Just a note to explain a little about the Highlights and Owl magazine slips that went home tonight. Could you help us to earn free books and rewards for our classroom by signing or ticking off the appropriate boxes on each slip? Both programs offer rewards regardless of whether subscriptions are ordered or not. The yellow Highlights slip requires a parent signature and for you to tick off Yes or No, and the red Owl requires a Yes/No tick off. We earn gifts by the number of replies that are returned, so the more, the merrier! Be aware that you do not need to fill out any other parts of the slip unless you are ordering a subscription. Hope to have them all in by this Friday!

Posted: September 6, 2011

Today students learned about my expectation for nightly reading. Students are expected to read from Monday to Thursday, 20 minutes per night, and at least once on the weekend. They may choose books from our class library, personal books, magazines, newspapers, manuals, fact books, recipe books, comics, you name it...or use the amazing Tumblebooks website. Did you know that research has found that the single best way to improve reading skill is to ... just read? ( How easy is that?) I will be giving students the passwords to log on to the Tumblebooks spot. It's fine with me if they choose to do their home reading using this site.  Note that I don't require that students create a log entry to chart their reading. Your signature in their agenda is enough to indicate that the reading was completed.   About Tumblebooks: Did you know that Tumblebooks provides an excellent way for students to hear stories told in an expressive oral style, coupled with visually tracking text as the story is read, and picture/ visual support on each page to link text ideas? That's a hat trick of reading power! Don't be concerned with the level of the text of the stories. 21st century research has found that easy reading ( a piece that a child can easily and quickly move through) can actually help increase reading fluency. So check out the site at home tonight with your child and enjoy the read!   Thanks   Mrs. Sully


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Added: Tue, May 15 2012