Posted: October 31, 2012
Mrs. Sullivan - Archive - 09/2012 Notes
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: April 18, 2012
Dear Parents,
Our Science Fair is tonight from 6:00-8:00. Students may choose to stand with their projects or go look at others. We will be storing the interactive part in the classroom, and students will be able to come up and get it if they choose. They will return it when they are finished for the night, for safekeeping. Your child’s interactive part has to stay at the school for marking over the weekend. Tomorrow students will have the chance to view other projects during a class viewing time.
Have a fun night!
Grade 5S
Posted: April 17, 2012
The Grade 5 Class worked hard on our Bottle Drive fundraiser for our I.C.F. trip Saturday past. Special thanks to Joe Nastasiuk for organizing and coordinating this event.
Posted: April 2, 2012
Just an update about Science Fair Projects. At this point, all students have chosen and planned the steps for their individual projects.They have worked on writing their Problem, Hypothesis, Materials, and Procedure, in class and at home, and have conferenced with me about these parts of their experiment. I have given, (and will continue to give), lessons on all writing and display parts. The students will be going to the computer room this week to begin typing their drafts of their experiment-which will be used as their abstract, and can also be used on their final display board. The goal for this week is to finish out the testing that they've planned(the procedure) and to chart/tally and write the results in draft form on their experiment draft copy. This would also be a good week to get their trifold and any paper or materials to use on their final trifold display board. Next week, our focus will be to put all the elements together, finishing Conclusions and Recommendations, finishing the display board/trifold good copies, and deciding on the interactive part.
Posted: March 29, 2012
You'll find some helpful links here for layout of the project.Check your child's Science duotang for additional material.
Create -A Graph: A user- friendly graph creation program
Science Fair Displays: A great overall guide
You Tube Video: Sample Displays-These are some typical examples-not all are exceptional
Posted: March 14, 2012
Literacy:Read 20 AR,library
Home and school newsletter
Math Journal due Fri. and facts
Science:Plan your materials for Science Fair Project-list on worksheet
French:2 page spread due tomorrow
Posted: March 2, 2012
Literacy: Read,read,read
Return from break: March 12
Have a great week,everyone!
Posted: February 28, 2012
Today students were introduced to requirements for our class Science Fair projects. Each child will be required to complete a project and details about the project were sent home to be read and signed tonight by parents. For now, I'm just asking that students try to think of a problem they could test using the theme of Force and Motion. In the upcoming weeks, we'll be working in class to develop these ideas and test them. Upcoming target dates and associated homework will be given as part of our regular homework. I've added the project description sheet and marking scale as documents on this page.Check the Documents link below.
Posted: February 23, 2012
Literacy: Read,read,read
No School tomorrow
Memo about next week's events sent home
Skating Monday-bring gear
Monday:Dress in your favourite sport theme
Posted: February 9, 2012
Read 20, Get AR slip signed and return
Math:Study facts
NSEEY Hat order form due tomorrow
Posted: February 8, 2012
Read 20
Math:Study facts, Q.1-5,p.143
NSEEY Hat Order
Pink notice
Posted: February 6, 2012
Read 20 minutes
Math Facts
Notice: NSEEY Hat Order
Posted: December 23, 2011
Hello parents and students of N.S.E.E. We had a very successful Book Sale, raising over $300 and selling over 600 books! We would like to take this time to thank you for your book donations and purchases. Our next fundraiser, a bottle drive, will be coming up in the New Year, so save those plastic bottles and cans. Happy Holidays!
Grade 5 S
Posted: December 23, 2011
Just wanted to say a huge "Thanks" to my students for your Christmas gifts of money,
which were donated to buy me a gift for World Vision. My "Piggy Project" goal was
reached and you bought me a piglet and some chicks!
Image from
Posted: December 15, 2011
Read 20 minutes, AR
Study math facts, Mental Math quiz tomorrow
Book Sale Day 2, tomorrow at noon hour!