Mrs. Hendry - Archive - 08/2014

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Posted: November 24, 2013

We have been practicing making our numerals to 3. We are really good at counting that high but we like to take a break and watch these counting videos. The "Counting Crows": The Clumsy Baker videos:

Posted: November 24, 2013

Did you know there really are Umbrella Birds?! Check out these videos: An actual Umbrella Bird: The Umbrella Bird song:         We learned that the Letter U is a "Hard Worker" - it makes 2 sounds - the sound at the start of umbrella and its letter name. Hear them both when the Story Bots sing "Unstoppable U": We used the letter U in our "magic word maker" and we made and read some of these words:

Posted: November 19, 2013

We had a great time with the letter H! Thanks for sending them with hearts, horses and letter h's on their clothing! Here are the links the children wanted you to know about: Story Bots: I am h-a-p-p-y song: How to make a paper hat: Sesame Street H videos (vintage but hilarious!):

Posted: November 16, 2013

Math Skills for Kindergarten

Posted: November 16, 2013

Educational Games

Posted: November 16, 2013

Great Reading Readiness Site!

Posted: November 16, 2013

We have been doing lots of counting in math class lately. The children love this song - Chicken counting! Can you guess that we also noticed that chicken starts with that /ch/ sound?

Posted: November 15, 2013

We had a wonderful time "cup stacking" in the gym today!
How could I resist the classic Cookie Monster song! and the Story Bots: We practiced spelling cat and we tried car too. But be careful! we found out that C is a copycat letter! It copies Kayo Kangaroo's /k/ sound but it also copies Sammy Snake's /s/ sound! And it makes a different sound when it is with the letter h, in words like chair, check, cheek...can you think of more? Tricky!

Posted: November 15, 2013

Take a look at the octopus video we watched because Ollie Octopus is our Zoophonics O animal: Here is the Story Bots Letter O link: And Sesame Street's "Would you like to buy an O?" that reminded us about the two sounds for O: Did your child tell you about the delicious oatmeal muffins Liam's mom made us? Yum! The children are hearing letters in more places than just the start of words too. That Ollie Octopus was in the middle of words like Mom and dog. They are starting to blend sounds to make words both orally and by making the sounds of the letters they see. So smart!


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Added: Wed, Jun 18 2014