Mme Dunn - Archived 09/2022 Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: November 12, 2021

Bonjour mes amis! 

C'est Vendredi! We have almost made it through another week of home learning. 

Below you will you find the suggested learning for today. You will notice several of these activities refer to new materials that were provided in the home learning package. I tried my best to provide a small explaination with each activitiy in that package but if you have any questions, just reach out ( You can find the videos under the "web links" section of my teacher page. 


Mme Dunn 

Posted: November 12, 2021

Bonjour mes amis!

Today you are encouraged to use the Remembrance Day materials found in your home learning packages. A reminder that there will be no home learning tomorrow (November 11th). 

Below you will you find the suggested learning for today. You will notice several of these activities refer to new materials that were provided in the home learning package. I tried my best to provide a small explaination with each activitiy in that package but if you have any questions, just reach out ( You can find the videos under the "web links" section of my teacher page. 


Mme Dunn 

Posted: November 11, 2021

Bonjour mes amis!

I hope everyone was able to pick up their home learning packages yesterday. If you did not have a chance to go, Mrs Mutch will be at the school today from 9-11am. If that time does not work for you please message me and we will find a time to connect. 

In regard to the home learning packages you picked up yesterday. I ask that you keep the big ikea bag labelled with your child's name and use it to return all home learning material to school once we resume in person learning. (I will post a detailed list of what needs to be returned vs what can stay at home once we have a confirmed date)

Below you will you find the suggested learning for today. You will notice several of these activities refer to new materials that were provided in the home learning package. I tried my best to provide a small explaination with each activitiy in that package but if you have any questions, just reach out ( You can find the videos under the "web links" section of my teacher page. 


Mme Dunn 


Posted: November 8, 2021

Bonjour mes amis!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and got outside to enjoy the nice weather! We are gearing up for another week of home learning and have prepared an additional learning package to support this. Please pick up your home learning package between 1-4pm. If you are unable to pick up during this time, let me know and we can make alternate arrangements. 

Below you find the suggested learning for today (you do not need the new learning package to complete today's work, however you will need it for tomorrows learning). You can find the videos under the "web links" section of my teacher page. Please reach out via email ( or Facebook message if you have any questions. 


Mme Dunn :) 

Posted: November 7, 2021

Bonjour mes amis! 

C'est Vendredi! We had made it through 1 week of home learning. Today I am including a "Friday challenge". Enjoy :) 

Below you will find the suggested learning for today. You can find the cideos under the "web links" section of my teacher page. Please reach out via email ( or Facebook message if you have any questions. 


Mme Dunn 

PDF icon word_work_choice_board.pdf43.78 KB

Posted: November 7, 2021

Bonjour mes amis!

Below you will find the suggested learning for today. You can find the videos under the "web links" section of my teacher page. Please reach out via email ( or Facebook message if yuu have any questions. 



Mme Dunn

PDF icon word_work_choice_board.pdf43.78 KB

Posted: November 7, 2021

Bonjour mes amis!

Below you will find the suggested learning for today. You can find the videos under the "web links" section of my teacher page. Please reach out via email ( or Facebook message if you have any questions. 


Mme Dunn


Posted: November 2, 2021

Bonjour mes amis! 

Below you will find the suggested learning for today. You can find the videos under the "web links" section of my teacher page. Please reach out via email ( or Facebook message if you have any questions. 


Mme Dunn 

PDF icon home_learning_week_1_day_2.pdf329.65 KB

Posted: November 1, 2021

Below you will find the suggested learning for today. You can find the videos under "web links" section of my teacher page. Miss Downey will be posting Phys Ed activites on her teacher page and Mrs Dunnett will be posting social emotional information on her teacher page. Be sure to check them out :). If you have any questions please reach out. 

Merci, Mme Dunn