Mrs. Norton - Archived 09/2022 Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: November 12, 2021

November 12, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today will be the last day to work on the choice board I posted on Monday (November 8). Students that have any questions, may join our Teams call at 10:30am or can email me anytime.

Please continue to check my teacher page for updates about next week. As you all know, things can change fast!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Norton

Posted: November 12, 2021

November 12, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today will be the last day to work on the paper packages I sent home Monday (November 8). Students that have any questions, may join our Teams call at 10:00am or can email me anytime.

Please continue to check my teacher page and our Grade 6 Facebook page about updates for next week. As you all know, things can change fast!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Norton  

Posted: November 10, 2021

November 10, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today we are going to continue to work on the choice board I posted on Monday. (November 8th). Students that have any questions may join our Teams call at 10:30am or can email me anytime.

Hoping everyone is doing well!

Mrs. Norton

Posted: November 10, 2021

November 10, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today we are going to continue to work on the paper packages I sent home on Monday (November 8th). Students that have any questions may join our Teams call at 10:00am or can email me anytime.

Hoping everyone is doing well!

Mrs. Norton

November 8, 2021

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to week 2 of “Home Learning”! I am hoping you are all doing well and keeping safe!

Literacy:  I have provided you with nine (9) ideas to explore. Over the week, I would like you to investigate and follow the instruction of eight (8) of those ideas. Be creative!  

Students that have any questions may join our Teams call at 10:30am or can email me anytime.

Mrs. Norton

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November 8th, 2021

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to week 2 of “Home Learning”! I am hoping you are continuing to do well and keeping safe!

Today, you will have the opportunity to pick up a new paper package at the school. Everything you need will be in the package. The package that I am posting on my teacher page will be similar; however, there will be substitutions. Please read the lesson plan carefully, so you know which activities have been omitted and what I have replaced it with.

If you have any questions, I will be on TEAMS everyday at 10:00am.   

Have a great week!

Mrs. Norton

Posted: November 5, 2021

November 5, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today, we will continue working on the literacy choice board I posted on my teacher page yesterday. Students that have any questions may join our Teams call at 10:30am or can email me anytime.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mrs. Norton

Posted: November 5, 2021

November 5, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today, we will continue working on the literacy choice board, and math sheets I posted on my teacher page yesterday. Students that have any questions may join our Teams call at 10:00am or can email me anytime.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Mrs. Norton

November 4, 2021

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Thursday and Friday of “Home Learning”! I am hoping you are all doing well and keeping safe!

Literacy:  I have provided you with six (6) ideas to explore. Over the next two days, I would like you to investigate and follow the instruction of four (4) of those ideas. Be creative!  

Students that have any questions may join our Teams call at 10:30am or can email me anytime.

Mrs. Norton

November 4, 2021

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Thursday and Friday of “Home Learning”! I am hoping you are all doing well and keeping safe!

Literacy:  I have provided you with six (6) ideas to explore. Over the next two days, I would like you to investigate and follow the instruction of four (4) of those ideas. Be creative!

Math:  We will continue to focus on reviewing integers, numbers beyond millions, multiples, factors, and order of operations.  

Students that have any questions may join our Teams call at 10:00am or can email me anytime.

Mrs. Norton

November 3, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today will be the last day to work on the paper packages I sent home last Thursday (October 28th). If you have misplaced your package, I have posted a copy of the literacy choice board on Nov. 1. Students that have any questions about the choice boards may join our Teams call at 10:30am or can email me anytime.

Hoping everyone is doing well!

Mrs. Norton

Posted: November 3, 2021

November 3, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today will be the last day we will be working with the paper packages I sent home last Thursday (October 28th). If you have misplaced your package, I have posted a copy of both choice boards (literacy and math) on my Nov.1st post. Students that have any questions about the choice boards may join our Teams call at 10:00am or can email me anytime.

Grade 6 Post Intensive French: Madame Taylor has also asked me to attach the link to “Flora”. Students can work on Level 4, Module 2 (les animaux). They can read the book and choose an activity each day.

Hoping everyone is doing well!

Mrs. Norton

Posted: November 2, 2021

November 2, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today we are going to continue to work on the paper packages I sent home last Thursday (October 28th). If you have misplaced your package, I have posted a copy of the literacy choice board in my post from yesterday. Students that have any questions about the choice boards may join our Teams call at 10:30am or can email me anytime.

Hoping everyone is doing well! I look forward to being altogether very soon.

Mrs. Norton  

Posted: November 2, 2021

November 2, 2021

Dear Parents/Students,

Today we are going to continue to work on the paper packages I sent home last Thursday (October 28th). If you have misplaced your package, I have posted a copy of both choice boards (literacy and math) in my post from yesterday. Students that have any questions about the choice boards may join our Teams call at 10:00am or can email me anytime.

Wellness:  Please see Miss. Downey’s teacher page for suggested activities for wellness.

Hoping everyone is doing well! I look forward to being altogether very soon.

Mrs. Norton  

Posted: November 1, 2021

November 1st, 2021

Dear Grade 5G Parents and Students,

Welcome to my teacher page and “Home Learning”!

On Thursday, October 28th, I sent home a “Learning Packet” with each student. In this packet, I included a choice board for literacy. Students were also given their passwords for Dreamscape and a blank scribbler to put all their writing in.

Please refer to the literacy choice board for learning activities for the next 3 days. Students are encouraged to spend 10 minutes on each writing assignment.

On Thursday, November 4th, I will post our new activities on both my “NSEE Teacher” page and on our “5G Literacy” channel on “Teams”. 


Mrs. Norton 

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