Miss Downey - Archive 10/20 Notes

Miss Downey


Posted: May 10, 2020

Hey Jr. Cobras, I hope everyone is doing well and learning lots of new things. It's hard to believe that we are into the 6th week of Home Learning. What did you think of that big snow storm we had on Saturday? I want to wish all the mothers and grandmothers a very Happy Mother's Day! I hope that our little cobras did something special for you all on Sunday! As always Jr. Cobras, I want you to keep your minds and bodies healthy! I miss you all so much! I can't wait until we are all back in the gym and having some fun! Remember to always try something new! Take care, Ms Downey! 

Posted: May 4, 2020

Good morning Jr Cobras! I hope you and your famililies are all doing well. I hope you guys got out on the weekend to enjoy the sun, maybe you even got a chance to do some biking or fishing. Good luck this week and as always I hope you try something new. I would love to see pictures of the "I like me tee" if you get a chance to send them to me.

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Posted: May 4, 2020

Good morning Jr Cobras! I hope you and your famililies are all doing well. I hope you guys got out on the weekend to enjoy the sun, maybe you even got a chance to do some biking or fishing. Good luck this week and as always I hope you try something new. 

Posted: April 27, 2020

Hey everyone, I hope you continue to be healthy and active. I also hope that you are taking the opportunity to try something new. This week I have have added some Boks video bursts for you to try and I thought we might take a look at some Haki sak skills. As always, getting outside for some fresh air and exercises is also a great way to add up your physical education minutes. I miss you all! Have a great week!

Posted: April 27, 2020

Hey everyone, I hope you continue to be healthy and active. I also hope that you are taking the opportunity to try something new. It is not always good to stick to the same old things. You never know what you might discover. I miss you all and I hope that you have a great week!

Posted: April 20, 2020

Hey Jr.Cobras, I hope you are keeping fit and busy. I hope you and your families are all keeping safe. Just like last week, I have split my activities into 2 groups. One for K to 2 and the other 3 to 6. If there videos that you liked previously you find them under the links tab. I encourage you all to try something new and invite your family members to DEAM (Drop Everything And Move). Hope you all have a great week! I miss having fun in the gym with you all! As always, feel free to send me pictures of activities that you participate in or have made up on your own. I love to hear how you keep busy. Also, please use my email for any questions or concerns that may arise. My email is: marcy.downey@nbed.nb.ca

Posted: April 13, 2020

First of all I would like to say Happy Easter to all our Jr. Cobras! I hope you are all busy keeping fit and staying healthy. This week I have created activities for K-2 and a different set of activities for students in grades 3 to 6. Keep in mind, these are only suggestions to help keep you and your families be active. Choose ones that work best for your family, you can mix and match any of these activities to fill your wellness time. You can email me anytime for clarification, ideas, or just to say "Hi" and show me pictures of what you are up to. Hope you all have a great week! Miss you tons!

        Parents of students in K to 2, please click on the attachment that reads "Week 2 -K-2 Bingo Choice boards" for this week. 

        Parents of students in 3 to 6, please click on the attachment that reads "Week 2 - Brades 3 to 6" for this week

  P.S. I post my videos for yoga, dance or workouts under the links tab after they have been used so that you can always go back and use your  favorites. 


Posted: April 6, 2020

Good morning Jr. Cobras! This week I am providing you with a Bingo choice board to help you keep your body and mind fit. There are lots of activities to help on this new journey. There are some links at the bottom of the page for those of you that like to dance and participate in Yoga. I hope you all have fun and enjoy the activities that I have provided. I know your parents will enjoy some of them. Take care and be safe! Parents, please reach out to me if you need any assistance or clarification at all. Hope everyone has a good week! I miss you all!

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Posted: April 3, 2020

Just dropping a note to let you all know how much I miss seeing your smiling faces. I hope you are all taking care of yourselves. It's been a crazy few weeks for us all, but it is important to remember that "We are all in this together!" Starting on Monday (April 6), and  every Monday after that, I will be posting some wellness activities to help keep our minds and bodies healthy. Stay tuned and keep checking back for some new ideas. WE CAN DO THIS!
