Mrs. Esty - Archived 10/20 Notes

Happy Spring!


Posted: April 20, 2020

Hi Games Club,

This is the instructions for the game Spit that we played last year. I started playing it this weekend and thought others would enjoy it.

Have fun!

File spit.docx13.47 KB

Posted: April 13, 2020

Hi Junior Cobras!

This week my family has been doing a wellness challenge. We are all skipping for 5 minutes a day! It only takes 5 minutes a day. Look at the pictures I posted, we are having a great time with many laughs as we get some exercise. I just want to say that my husband needs to keep practicing. (Don’t tell him I told you that!)

I challenge all Jr. Cobras to get out and try skipping! Look up a skipping song.  Learn a new song and skip! Get Mom and Dad to join in!

Posted: April 3, 2020

Hello, everyone! I want to say that I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and their family! I will be posting some items that might help you out when you are home learning. There might even be some fun activities! Cobras rock!