Posted: November 17, 2012
Wow! Another week went fast! The children had a publishing party for Writer's Workshop this week. The Maritime Marionettes were a big hit with their production of Jack in the Beanstalk - and just when we were working with the letter J! We also explored the letter D this week and used dimes to show how we hear the sound at the first, in the middle and at the end of words.
We have started our number unit in math and have been using the terms more, fewer and the same amount as we compare sets. Our plastic bears had to be matched with "chairs" just like in the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. Setting the table, passing out snacks and sharing at home are great oppotunities for you to reinforce these terms.
The kindergarten children will be practicing the Raffi song, "All I Really Need" for the November assembly this week. It will help explain the World Vision Christmas project starting soon.
Here is the link if you want to have your child sing the song with you:
Dee Dee Deer and Jerry Jellyfish crafts were fun.
Here are the links to the favorite letter videos this week: