Mrs. S. Mutch - Archived - 09/2016

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 18, 2010

The Fabulous Class of 6D!

Posted: September 18, 2010

The wonderful class of 6M!

Posted: September 18, 2010

Dear Parents, Please note that a Multiplication quiz and a mental math quiz will be written on most Fridays. Math portfolios will be sent home on Monday to be signed.  Thanks!

Posted: September 18, 2010

Dear Grade 6 Parents, Please read the attached note!
Microsoft Office document icon a_note_to_grade_6_parents.doc55 KB

Posted: September 18, 2010

Dear Parents, Please see the attached document to learn some tricks to multiplication.   Remember: Grade 3 students learned multiplication facts 0 to 5. Grade 4 students will be revisiting the facts 0 to 5 and also learn the multiplication facts from 6 to 9. Grade 5 students should have mastered the multiplication facts 0 to 9 in grade 4. Grade 6 students will be be reviewing all multiplication facts.   Thanks!
Microsoft Office document icon multiplication_tricks.doc29.5 KB

Posted: September 1, 2010

Wow!  Where did the summer go? The grade 6 teachers would like to welcome all the grade 6 students back to school. We are going to have an awesome year!!! We will see you on Tuesday!!!

Posted: November 29, 2009

Don't forget that Grade 5 Math Journals are giving on Monday and due on Friday.  Students should be sure they add lots of details and explain their journal in their own words. 

Posted: November 29, 2009

The grade 6 students will have a math test on Friday, December 4th.  This test will be on the unit Geometry.  There will be questions about quadrilaterals, triangles, symmetry, cross-sections, and orthographic drawings.  Good luck!!

Posted: November 29, 2009

Microsoft Office document icon Leroy_the_Redneck_Reindeer.doc23.5 KB

Posted: November 29, 2009

Greetings parents, You will find the words to our Christmas concert song, "Leroy the Redneck Reindeer" in my Documents section. Please ask your child to read over the lyrics for the next couple of weeks.  Thanks!


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Added: Fri, Mar 14 2014