Mrs. S. Mutch - Archived - 09/2016

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Homework:  6M & 6R  Reading-   Read 20 minutes Literacy-  Create one activity to go along with book for "Author's Night"               -  Work on poster (Ad for the "Author Night")               - Bring a new binder (If you didn't already bring one)               - Work on report on Oak Island (due May 7)               - Work on cartoon art project  Math-  Finish # 1-5, page 260 Science- Study for Science test (on Wednesday) on "Electricity"          French-    Other:  - Bring coins for Peth Andover fundraiser!!
Homework:  6M & 6R  Reading-   Read 20 minutes Literacy-  Create one activity to go along with book for "Author's Night"               -  Work on poster (Ad for the "Author Night")               - Bring a new binder (If you didn't already bring one)               - Work on report on Oak Island (due next Friday)               - Work on cartoon art project  Math-  Science- Study for Science test (next week) on "Electricity"          French-    Other:  Vesey Seed Orders went home to sell for H & S Some students owe sports fee for middle school volleyball and basketball
Homework:  6M & 6R  Reading-   Read 20 minutes Literacy-  Create one activity to go along with book for "Author's Night"               -  Work on poster (Ad for the "Author Night")               - Bring a new binder               - Work on report on Oak Island (due next Friday)  Math-  Get test signed! Science- Study for Science test (next week)             French-    Other:  Vesey Seed Orders went home to sell for H & S Gym for 6R on Friday
Homework:  6M & 6R  Reading-   Read 20 minutes Literacy-  Create one activity to go along with book for "Author's Night"               -  Work on poster (Ad for the "Author Night")  Math-  Science- Finish word search and questions 1 & 2                     French-    Other:  Bring in your pictures for the Grade 6 Banquet (See orange sheet sent home- Due April 13th) There are quite a few students who have not passed in their photos yet.  I have posted a note regarding photos in case you lost your green note. Vesey Seed Orders went home to sell for H & S Gym for 6M (Tuesday and Thursday), 6R (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)
Homework:  6M & 6R  Reading-   Read 20 minutes Literacy-  Create one activity to go along with book for "Author's Night"               -  Work on poster (Ad for the "Author Night")  Math-  Science- Finish word search and questions 1 & 2                     French-    Other:  Bring in your pictures for the Grade 6 Banquet (See orange sheet sent home- Due April 13th) There are quite a few students who have not passed in their photos yet.  I have posted a note regarding photos in case you lost your green note. Vesey Seed Orders went home to sell for H & S Gym for 6M (Tuesday and Thursday), 6R (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)

Posted: April 17, 2012

Homework:  6M & 6R  Reading-   Read 20 minutes Literacy-  Create one activity to go along with book for "Author's Night"               -  Study your presentation notes/ Presentations begin tomorrow (speech)  Math-  We wrote tests today.  Some students may need some extra time to finish it tomorrow. Science- All projects were due yesterday!!  Viewing of projects at NSEE Wednesday 6 to 8pm                          French-    Other:  Bring in your pictures for the Grade 6 Banquet (See orange sheet sent home- Due April 13th) There are quite a few students who have not passed in their photos yet.  I have posted a note regarding photos in cas you lost your green note. A new Drama Rehersal schedule went home last week (Green Sheet).  Vesey Seed Orders went home to sell for H & S

Posted: April 12, 2012

Percent Fun! (A Web Site to Practice Percent- Grade 6)

Posted: April 12, 2012

Decimal Fun! (A Web Site to Practice Working with Decimals!)


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Mar 14 2014