Mrs. S. Mutch - Archived - 09/2016

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 20, 2014

Lesson 9:  All About Me ·         Open Microsoft Word ·         Design a page all about you.  What you like?  What do you dislike? Go wild! ·         Make sure it is visually appealing ·         Save this as "Word Lesson 9 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 10

Posted: February 20, 2014

Lesson 8: School Daze ·         Open Microsoft Word ·         Insert a table (Open “Insert”, “Table”, “Insert Table”, number of columns is 2, number of rows is 11, click “ok”) ·         Name your  table headings should be “Top 10 Reasons to go to School” and “Top 10 Reasons to Stay Home” ·         List 10 reasons for each ·         Save this as "Word Lesson 8 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 9

Posted: February 20, 2014

Lesson 7:  Word Art Fun ·         Open Microsoft Word ·         Put a border around the entire page:  (Open “Page Layout” and select “Page Borders”) ·         Give you page a title from “Word Art” ·         Insert a graphic ·         Write 10 words about your graphic using 10 different colors Save this as "Word Lesson 7 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 8

Posted: February 20, 2014

Lesson 6:  Lets Decorate ·         Put a border around the entire page:  (Open “Page Layout” and select “Page Borders”) ·         Give you page a title from “Word Art” ·         Insert a graphic ·         Write 10 words about your graphic using 10 different colors Save this as "Word Lesson 6 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 7

Posted: February 20, 2014

Lesson 5:  Celebrity Crush ·         Open Microsoft Word ·         Research  10 facts about a celebrity of your choice ·         The “Facts” must be listed using the “Bullet” feature in Word ·         You must also have a centered title and a photo of your celebrity Save this as "Word Lesson 5 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 6
Homework:             Literacy-  Read 20 minutes                              Poetry Book was due yesterday...some students have not finished it.  Please check with your child!                    Math-                Science-  Students will be working on Science Fair projects in class.  Due March 12th      Social Studies-  Get "Bitstrips" projects signed                               Please get a sheet of Bristol Board or bring in 50 cents to Mrs. Taylor  Technology- "Powtoon" projects were due yesterday  (If you are not done, please finish at home)                       Art- Finish "Portrait" before March Break (Next Friday). Class time will be given tomorrow!                    Gym-   Bring gym clothes and outdoor clothes for Friday!                                6R-  Tuesday & Thursday                                6M- Monday & Wednesday  Sports: -  Middle School Boys Basketball Games:  Tuesday, Feb 18  CANCELLED!!                                                                Thursday, Feb. 20 @ NSER 6:00                                                                 -  Middle School Girls Basketbal Games:   Tuesday, February 18 @ NSER 7:30                                                                 Thursday, February 20 @ NSER 7:30               - $50 Basketball Fee is due to NSER     Reminders: - NSEE students wear school colors (Burgandy!)- The "Principal's Cup" is tomorrow at noon.  Please have your baggie with your order form/money for lunch at the canteen. - Please return clothing orders to your teachers by next Friday - The Grade 6's are out of pencils, loose leaf and kleenex boxes...check with your child! - Winter Carnival Week! (Thurs.- School Spirit Theme- wear school colors and Friday- wear red or white "Go Canada Go!") -Drama on Thursday (Group B)  Write a note in the agenda and bring a snack!- It is cold & snowy outside!!  Boots & ski pants are are required to play in the snow.  Please dress for the weather!!  - Some students need indoor shoes for gym class (and deo)- Please send in an excuse if your child is absent.  You can just write it in their agenda.

Posted: February 18, 2014

Lesson 4:  Ahoy Matey Open Microsoft Word Your task is to create a Travel Brochure Divide your page into 3 columns before you begin Your brochure can include such things as what the destination looks like and where it is located, what recreational activities there are available for guests to enjoy, a list of items a traveler would need to bring with them, how a traveler can get to this destination, and what different kinds of travel packages are offered. This task it to create a visually appealing brochure that will entice customers to go to this location Make sure you add lots of graphics Do a Spell Check on your brochure Save this as "Word Lesson 4 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 5

Posted: February 18, 2014

Lesson 3:  Olympic Fever Open Microsoft Word Design a poster to tell the world about your favorite Olympic Sport or Hero Add a title, graphics, color, etc. to make your poster stand out Save this as "Word Lesson 3 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 4

Posted: February 18, 2014

Lesson 2: A Story to Remember Open Microsoft Word Type a short story of at least 3 paragraphs (you can make one up, type one from Literacy or copy from a novel) Insert a graphic after each paragraph.  Make sure it is centered Do a spell check of your story Save this as "Word Lesson 2 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 3

Posted: February 18, 2014

Lesson 1: Creative Writing Open Microsoft Word Write a creative paragraph of at least 50 words about a recent news article Give it a title.  Center and Underline the title In the paragraph, use 10 different fonts Highlight 10 words in your paragraph and change the size of the words Put a border around your paragraph Do a spell check and word count on your document At the bottom of your document, type in how many words are in your document Save this as "Word Lesson 1 Your Name" in your H: Tell your teacher you are done so she can check your work Go on to Lesson 2
