Literacy- Read 20 minutes
Poetry Book was due yesterday...some students have not finished it. Please check with your child!
Science- Students will be working on Science Fair projects in class. Due March 12th
Social Studies- Get "Bitstrips" projects signed
Please get a sheet of Bristol Board or bring in 50 cents to Mrs. Taylor
Technology- "Powtoon" projects were due yesterday (If you are not done, please finish at home)
Art- Finish "Portrait" before March Break (Next Friday). Class time will be given tomorrow!
Gym- Bring gym clothes and outdoor clothes for Friday!
6R- Tuesday & Thursday
6M- Monday & Wednesday
- Middle School Boys Basketball Games: Tuesday, Feb 18 CANCELLED!!
Thursday, Feb. 20 @ NSER 6:00 - Middle School Girls Basketbal Games: Tuesday, February 18 @ NSER 7:30
Thursday, February 20 @ NSER 7:30
- $50 Basketball Fee is due to NSER
- NSEE students wear school colors (Burgandy!)- The "Principal's Cup" is tomorrow at noon. Please have your baggie with your order form/money for lunch at the canteen.
- Please return clothing orders to your teachers by next Friday
- The Grade 6's are out of pencils, loose leaf and kleenex boxes...check with your child!
Winter Carnival Week! (Thurs.- School Spirit Theme- wear school colors and Friday- wear red or
white "Go Canada Go!")
-Drama on Thursday (Group B) Write a note in the agenda and bring a snack!- It is cold & snowy outside!! Boots & ski pants are are required to play in the snow. Please dress for the weather!!
- Some students need indoor shoes for gym class (and deo)- Please send in an excuse if your child is absent. You can just write it in their agenda.